

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • SAASS awards 59 masters, two doctorates

    The School of Advanced Air and Space Studies graduated its 21st class this week, when 59 students received Master of Philosophy in Military Strategy degrees. The class is comprised of officers from each branch of service as well as international students from Britain, India, Germany, France,

  • ACSC class reaches major academic goal

    The Air Command and Staff College will recognize 1,001 graduates this week in ceremonies for the resident and distance-learning courses.In a ceremony Monday at Polifka Auditorium, Lt. Gen. David Fadok, commander and president of the Air University, and Brig. Gen. Stephen Denker, ACSC commandant,

  • Eagles gather at capstone event

    Heroes of aviation from around the country gathered this week at Maxwell Air Force Base to share their stories with students at the Air Command and Staff College.The 31st Gathering of Eagles, sponsored by Air University, is a capstone graduation event for the ACSC that brings together historic

  • Finance department is here to help

    Along with the opportunity to serve their country, a number of individuals joined the Air Force for financial stability and job security.Those in this department work day in and day out ensuring the men and women who defend the United States are delivered their hard earned paycheck on time and

  • The right to lead part four: competence

    In last week's right to lead segment we examined obligations and requirements and found them to be related, but not necessarily the same thing. This week, in the fourth installment of the series, we will explore the vast topic area of a leader's competency. At first glance, the topic of a leader's

  • No ifs, ands or butts - Maxwell takes steps toward a tobacco-free force

    As the 42nd Air Base Wing begins to implement a new Air Force Instruction regarding designated smoking areas, Maxwell takes steps toward a becoming a tobacco-free community."While we are restricting the areas in which people can use tobacco, our real goal is to get people away from using tobacco,

  • Medical 'C-code' not a deployment disqualifier

    Contrary to common belief, a medical assignment limitation code, commonly known as the "C-code," does not disqualify an Airman from deployment, and it does not identify an Airman for medical discharge.A "C-code" applied to a member's profile for medical reasons is one of the various tools AFPC

  • Med Group offers new message service

    The 42nd Medical Group is excited to begin patient registration for MiCare, the military's online confidential secure messaging service. This system has been shown to significantly increase patient satisfaction, reduce the number of phone calls between patients and providers, and save patients' and