

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Shadow program gives big-picture view to Airmen

    The Maxwell-Gunter Airman shadow program offers junior enlisted Airmen a unique opportunity to shadow a command chief. The program is sponsored by the Junior Enlisted Advisory Council, or JEAC, which offers guidance for future career and life success to junior enlisted Airmen. Programs like the

  • Lt. Gov. shares words of encouragement

    Eleanor Roosevelt's words -- "You must do the thing you think you cannot do"-- are still inspiring women today."I'm one of those people who took Eleanor Roosevelt's words to heart," Alabama Lt. Gov. Kay Ivey said Monday at the Women's History Month luncheon at the Maxwell officers' club. The month's

  • Revitalizing health care: Trainee clinic targets needs of short-term students

    The trainee health clinic aims to provide speedy, accurate acute medical care, allowing students to return to their classes."We'll place these students back in their training environment as quickly and safely as possible -- the key word being 'safely'" said Lt. Col. Michael Lundy, commander of the

  • Gunter copes with small, old gym

    The Gunter fitness center, originally a maintenance hangar built in 1943, is the oldest fitness center in the Air Force. The facility is currently undergoing more than $250,000 in renovations, but none of them address the largest issue facing the center: space.Charles Smith, the gym's activity

  • Etchberger award honors teamwork

    The Air Force honored one of its own March 10 with its first award dedicated to teamwork at the Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy.During a ceremony at Gunter Annex, the school unveiled a display on the Chief Master Sgt. Richard Etchberger Team Award and the medallions for the

  • Chief's bravery on secret mission saved lives

    When trapped between enemy fire and a 3,000-foot cliff, an Airman's bravery can mean the difference between life and death.For Chief Master Sgt. Richard Etchberger, bravery meant saving four lives. But he lost his own in the process.The nation honored his bravery with the Medal of Honor. Now, the

  • Week encouraged, empowered patients

    Members of Maxwell's health and wellness center asked, "Are you in?"Patient Safety Week aimed to keep patients involved, informed and invested in their health care.HAWC hosted a lunch-and-learn program March 10 at the Maxwell clinic, providing a healthy lunch and lecture on patient safety.Wanda

  • Lunch program provides ways to defuse stress

    Stress is something most people deal with on a regular basis, but it doesn't have to be negative.Wanda Myrick, health education program manager for the health and wellness center, offered some coping techniques March 8 during a lunch-and-learn program for Women's History Month.Developing coping

  • Town hall meetings address plethora of issues

    This week, the 42nd Air Base Wing held two town hall meetings at Maxwell and Gunter, using an open forum to allow personnel and residents to address base issues.The events were held Tuesday at the Gunter Air Force Program Executive Office auditorium and Thursday at the Maxwell base theater. The 42nd

  • International festival brings world to Maxwell

    The Air War College held its annual International Culture Festival with more than a thousand people flocking to the Civil Air Patrol hangar to enjoy a Saturday afternoon filled with food and fun.The event has been held for t15 years and featured 44 different countries. It offered international