

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Commentary: What does accountability look like?

    It was late -- or was it early? Swing shift started at 4 p.m. and it was now 3:30 a.m. We had configured, loaded, and inspected eleven A-10A aircraft overnight: Six with live weapons and five with training munitions for the next day's missions. All 11 would fly in support of either test and

  • OTS salutes heritage with T-41 display

    Officer Training School candidates, families and special guests paid homage to Air Force heritage with the dedication of the T-41 Mescalero on display at the OTS campus Monday.The T-41 served as a pilot training tool for more than 30 years. Col. Timothy P. O'Brien, OTS commander, said he was one of

  • CCAF represented at White House community colleges summit

    Lt. Col. Tim Albrecht, commandant of the Community College of the Air Force, served as the Department of Defense representative at a White House community college summit recently.A broad spectrum of people attended the summit, including administrators, educators, philanthropists and representatives

  • Former Airmen provide behind-the-scenes look at domestic violence

    Anita Washington, a retired master sergeant and retired civilian employee, and Matthew Correia, a former security forces member, discussed aspects of domestic violence from the perspective of victims and security forces personnel during the 42nd Medical Group's annual Family Advocacy Program

  • 42nd ABW to celebrate 70th anniversary

    A two-day celebration of the 42nd Air Base Wing's 70th anniversary will kick off Nov. 5 with several events to mark the wing's years of service. The 42nd ABW commander said the 42nd has a deep heritage, first as an Army bomb group during World War II, then as an Air Force wing.Col. Brian Killough

  • Haunted Maxwell? Base's spooky reputation debatable

    Do things go bump in the night, or even in the day, at Maxwell Air Force Base? According to some accounts, they do. Strange occurrences at certain Maxwell sites have been chronicled online. The Ghosts of America website describes the haunting of the Academic Circle: "Some of the sightings have been

  • Airmen embracing fitness culture

    "Readiness," said the chief master sergeant of the Air Force, "is the primary purpose of developing the new fitness standard, and so far Airmen are stepping up to the challenge as the program normalizes." The new physical training standard is a way to ensure Airmen are prepared to do the nation's

  • Maxwell Elementary School plans Red Ribbon Week festivities

    As part of Red Ribbon Week, Maxwell Elementary School will feature awareness events to get the antidrug message out to children and their parents.Maxwell's Youth Leadership Team planned a list of activities for the week, said Becky Hill, the faculty advisor to Maxwell's Youth Leadership Team. A

  • Gathering celebrates Hispanic heritage

    Guest speaker Chief Master Sgt. Jose Barraza enlightened the audience on the value of heritage at the Hispanic Heritage Fiesta. The event Oct. 15 at the Officers' Club was held to mark National Hispanic Heritage Month, which stretches from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The theme this year was "Heritage,

  • Halloween safety

    The Maxwell Air Force Base, Gunter Annex community will observe Halloween from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 30.That night, children will be going door-to-door throughout Maxwell-Gunter housing areas trick-or-treating in search of candy and fun. The safety of the children is a priority. The 42nd Security Forces