

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • NSPS positions assigned GS pay grades

    With only weeks remaining to classify Air Force civilian jobs into the General Schedule personnel system, Air Force classifiers are ensuring National Security Personnel System positions have a current GS title, series and grade before the NSPS conversion out date.With the fiscal 2010 National

  • AETC inducts newest member into Order of the Sword

    More than 300 Airmen from across Air Education and Training Command gathered in a formal ceremony at the Gateway Club on Lackland AFB July 16, to induct Gen. Stephen R. Lorenz, Air Education and Training Command commander, into the Order of the Sword. General Lorenz is the sixth leader AETC Airmen

  • Air Combat Command promotes CCAF degree

    Although having a Community College of the Air Force degree is important for all Airmen, Air Combat Command is encouraging its technical sergeants to achieve this educational goal. Currently, the command is seven points below the Air Force average of 42 percent, but the goal is to have 50 percent of

  • Sun exposure can lead to skin damage, illness

    Did you know sun exposure causes most of the skin damage that we think of as a normal part of becoming older? There are fibers in skin called elastin. When these fibers are damaged, skin is damaged as well.For example, you become more prone to wrinkles, sagging, dryness, etc. Your skin can also be

  • Center gives junior enlisted place to spend off-duty time

    Video game tournaments, pool tables, a movie theater with surround sound and slushies. All of these and more are provided at no cost to junior enlisted at the Airmen Ministry Center.Founded about five years ago here at Maxwell, the Airmen Ministry Center is a place where Airmen E-4 and below can go

  • Legal ease: Wing legal services office provides plethora of support

    On any given weekday, a visitor to the 42nd Air Base Wing legal services office is apt to find Tech. Sgt. Denise Spaulding in the reception area, ready to greet the next client or addressing someone's legal needs. It's the customer service aspect of the job that appeals most to the sergeant. "I love

  • Row housing demolition begins near Maxwell Elementary

    As part of the housing privatization initiative at Maxwell, 102 units of row housing and duplexes near Maxwell Elementary School will soon be torn down.Bob Miller, Hunt Building Company project superintendent, said work has begun on Magnolia Street, and a chain-link fence surrounding the area to be

  • Col. Killough assumes command of 42nd ABW

    Col. Brian Killough became the 42nd Air Base Wing commander in a change of command ceremony at Maxwell Air Force Base Monday. Colonel Killough took command of the wing from Col. Kris Beasley, now deputy director of Air Force Cyber Operations at the Pentagon.Air University Commander Lt. Gen. Allen

  • Maxwell clicks 'like' on Facebook

    Maxwell Air Force Base now counts itself among the scores of Air Force bases and Department of Defense organizations with a presence on Facebook.The base, which last year became the first in Air Education and Training Command on Twitter, came online with a Facebook page July 12."As we did with