

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Eaker Center shines at Comptroller Professional Development Institute

    The American Society of Military Comptrollers is the nonprofit educational and professional organization for DOD military and civilian financial management personnel. ASMC promotes the education and training of its members and supports the development and advancement of the profession. Each year,

  • Air University Foundation board selects new chairman

    The Air University Foundation board of trustees unanimously approved the selection of retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Frank B. Campbell as the foundation's new chairman of the board, replacing retired Air Force Gen. Charles G. Boyd. AUF President Ray White said Mr. Campbell brings a wealth of military

  • 554th Electronic Systems Wing becomes directorate

    While they will continue their current mission, the men and women of the 554th Electronic Systems Wing were reorganized Tuesday under a new name.The 554th ELSW is now a directorate called the Program Executive Office Enterprise Information Systems and will continue to have components at

  • Service before Self, not Service instead of Self

    This is not your father's military. We are constantly asking more and more from the great men and women that have volunteered their service in the defense of our great country. We ask Airmen to give up freedoms and sacrifice time and energy from family. Actually, we demand it of them. It is part of

  • OTS names dormitory after former Air Force JAG

    Maxwell's building 1491, an Officer Training School dormitory, has a new name.The dormitory is now Morehouse Hall, in memory of Maj. Gen. David Morehouse, a former Judge Advocate General, Headquarters U.S. Air Force.In attendance for the dedication ceremony last week was Lt. Gen. Richard Harding,

  • Maxwell launches video, audio podcasts

    Maxwell Air Force Base entered the world of portable news as it launched a series of podcasts online Monday.Podcasting, a method of publishing broadcasts via the Internet, allows users to subscribe to a feed of video and audio files, listen to them on their computer and load them on a portable media

  • ROTC summer field training shapes tomorrow's Air Force officer corps

    Air University is hosting a series of 28-day summer field training courses for about 2,400 Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps students here through Aug. 28."Summer ROTC training is rigorous training for the students and will mentally and physically prepare them for the challenges they will