

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University education database down

    A computer system managing various aspects of Air Force education experienced a serious technical malfunction May 13, impacting Air University distance learning, related education records, and test control facilities Air Force-wide.Specifically affected are enlisted and officer distance learning for

  • Air University hosts 57th National Security Forum

    Media are invited to cover aerial demonstrations/static aircraft displays and interview organizers/guests during the 57th National Security Forum at Air University on May 19. The NSF is sponsored by the Secretary of the Air Force and hosted by Air War College.Media Opportunity: May 19, 9:30-11:30

  • Afghan National Army Air Corps general visits Maxwell

    Maj. Gen. Mohammad Dawran, Afghan National Army Air Corps commanding general, and Maj. Gen. Michael Boera, Combined Air Power Transition Force/NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan commanding general, will be visiting Maxwell Air Force Base from May 17-20, 2010. They will be addressing the 2010 Air

  • Lorenz on Leadership -- Sustaining a wingman culture

    On April 20, a 22-year-old man with a history of violence walked into a bookstore in Wichita Falls, Texas, and started shooting. He wounded four women, then drove to a bar and killed an employee outside before he drove home and took his own life. This tragedy sounds like so many we hear about on the

  • 42nd MDG celebrates National Nurse and Medical Technician Week

    The 42nd Medical Group is celebrating Nurse and Medical Technician Week. This year's event, themed "Caring Today for a Healthier Tomorrow," culminates on Wednesday, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing."National Nurses Week is an annual celebration to honor the service

  • Essay writers reflect on life as military children

    Fifth and sixth graders at Maxwell Elementary School relished the opportunity to express the joys and frustrations of the military life as part of a school essay contest in conjunction with the Year of the Air Force Family and the Month of the Military Child. The following students won the "Being a

  • ECPD graduates inaugural Advanced Analyst Course class

    The Air Force deputy chief of staff for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance was in attendance when students graduated the inaugural Advanced Analyst Course April 30 in a ceremony at Maxwell's Ira C. Eaker College for Professional Development."This is our first course for ISR analysis

  • Senior chief first Coast Guard member at 1st Sgt. Academy

    The Air Force First Sergeant Academy experienced a first by having a member from the U.S. Coast Guard in its most recent class.Senior Chief Petty Officer Jeff Dale, Coast Guard Station Charlie at Charleston, S.C., said he had a couple of his staff members participate in an AFFSA symposium a while

  • World War II vets visit Gunter museum

    "I never dreamed there was anything like this at Gunter," was the reaction of John Oliver to his tour of the Enlisted Heritage Hall museum at Gunter Annex. As a reward for their many years of service, World War II veterans Mr. Oliver, 90, and Eldon McKemy, 94, received an April 27 VIP tour of the

  • 'Front door' to Maxwell gets new name

    In early March, the Montgomery City Council approved the renaming of Bell Street to Maxwell Boulevard.A ceremony held March 23 unveiled the new street sign with the Maxwell Boulevard designation, and the primary gate to Maxwell has likewise been designated the Maxwell Boulevard gate.The primary