

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Retiree Appreciation Day brings food, fun to those who served

    Maxwell Air Force Base treated retirees to bingo, flu shots, burgers, coffee and more during Retiree Appreciation Day Friday at the Honor Guard hangar. More than 1,000-1,200 were anticipated to attend, said 42nd Air Base Wing Commander Col. Kris Beasley in his opening remarks. Colonel Beasley noted

  • AETC commander presents Educator of the Year awards

    The 2008-2009 Air Education and Training Command Educator of the Year Awards were presented Nov. 16 in a ceremony at the Maxwell Officers' Club's Daedalian Room.Dr. Bruce Murphy, Air University Chief Academic Officer and master of ceremony for the event, said the AETC Educator of the Year awards are

  • Lorenz on Leadership -- Spotting disasters

    "I can hear that train coming down the tracks." If you're like me, then you've heard people use this analogy to describe an inbound issue or challenge. We all face challenges each and every day -- they are nothing new. The challenges range in significance and in ability to impact our organizations.

  • Two officers receive Bronze Stars at LeMay Center

    Two officers were awarded bronze stars at Air University's LeMay Center for Doctrine Development for Education and Wargaming Nov. 13 for exceptional meritorious achievement during Operation Iraqi Freedom.Lt. Col. Duston Ashton and Maj. Nichole Oliver were presented their medals by Maj. Gen. Stephen

  • Shop til you drop ... for a good cause

    "Yes, it's always this busy," responded thrift shop manager Reeba Robitzsch when asked whether the aisle-filling bustle of shoppers at the Maxwell Thrift Shop was normal. That bustle is a good normal all around for the volunteers who devote their time there, the base shoppers who enjoy the shop's

  • Squadron Officer College offers new Distance Learning courses next year

    Squadron Officer College will be offering four new distance-learning courses, based on selected competencies from the Air Force Competency List, to company grade officers beginning next year.Dr. Norm Wagner, SOC faculty member and CGO Leadership Development Program coordinator, said basing the

  • November exercise involves Autauga County officials

    The November Base exercise, a joint exercise conducted with Autauga County officials, went "very well" said the Maxwell-Gunter Exercise Evaluation Team chief."This was a very smooth exercise where everyone worked well together and did exactly what they needed to do. It was an excellent exercise with

  • AF cost reduction move includes changes in custodial standards

    The Air Force is changing custodial standards nationwide to save money, resulting in an overall basewide reduction of services at Maxwell. Perhaps the most obvious change for the average person working at Maxwell is custodians will no longer be coming from cubicle to cubicle to collect trash.The