

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Develop Your Vision

    Imagine, if you will, an adaptive training environment that sits inside a bare room. This environment can be manipulated to simulate any task - from simple to complex. With the flick of a switch or push of a button, the bare room transforms into a living, breathing, interactive experience. Sounds

  • Air Force announces "101 Critical Days of Summer" campaign

    The Air Force annual "Critical Days of Summer" campaign began May 22 and ends Sept. `7. Traditionally, this is a period when mishap rates "soar," according to Roger Anderson, chief of Safety, 42nd Air Base wing safety office.He said activities such as boating, yard work, playing sports, riding

  • Academy of Military Science moving to Maxwell's OTS

    With the Academy of Military Science moving from Tennessee's McGhee Tyson National Guard Air Base to Maxwell's Officer Training School, all Air Force commissioning sources, except the Air Force Academy, will be under one roof, said the OTS commander."Starting this fiscal year, all officer trainees

  • Investing in our Air Force future

    Can I interest you in an investment that is guaranteed to generate a positive return?  It's a low risk high reward investment proven to produce tangible long term rewards and personal satisfaction.  Over the last 20 years I've been an aggressive participant.  The return on my investments has been

  • Maxwell holds Asian-Pacific American heritage luncheon

    The Officers' Club ballroom was filled on Tuesday with onlookers who commented that the colorfully-attired Chinese American dancer on stage portrayed the elegance and strength of a peacock so well that they were "swept up in the beauty and art of her traditional Asian dance."Springna Zhao performed

  • Graduation day arrives for First Sergeants Academy student

    Editor's note: The following is the third of a four-part series highlighting the experiences of Master Sgt. Michael Diaz, a now graduate of the Air Force First Sergeants Academy. Sergeant Diaz, who hails from the 147th Mission Support Group located at Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in Houston,

  • Air War College places third in Jim Thorpe Sports Days

    Athletes at the Spaatz Center's Air War College competed successfully in tennis, racquetball and trap shooting events at the 2009 Jim Thorpe Sports Days on April 23-25, hosted by the Army War College at Carlisle Barracks, Penn.AWC Dean of Students Col. James E. Smith said the competition pitted