

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AFIT gets new leadership

    The Air Force Institute of Technology welcomed two new senior leaders in separate ceremonies at Wright-Patterson AFB. Dr. Walter Jones officially became AFIT's new director and second chancellor in an acceptance-of-leadership ceremony July 27.

  • Air University commander experiences AFROTC Field Training

    Lt. Gen. James Hecker, commander and president of Air University, visited Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center, Mississippi, July 13 to observe the training and evaluation of cadets at Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Field Training 2021. Though the training usually takes place at

  • Holm Center’s ‘Purple’ summer project

    As a former “foreign kid” in Brazil’s National War College, I was challenged with learning and operating in a language not of my own. I experienced the very real fear that my intellect would be surmised from my inability to smoothly converse, convince and direct others in Portuguese. These are the

  • CSAF signs charter for China Aerospace Studies Institute

    Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. recently signed the charter for the Air Force’s China Aerospace Studies Institute, signaling the service’s intent to focus education, awareness and understanding more heavily on China’s growing military threat.

  • Campus Dining System (CDS) set to arrive at Maxwell Air Force Base 1 Aug 21

    The Air Force continues to deliver innovative and desirable customer programs testing an already popular program, Air Force Campus Dining System (CDS) at traditional legacy Food & Beverage operations.  The Air Force Services Center (AFSVC) has collaborated with the 42 FSS team at Maxwell/Gunter, AL

  • AFCLC, AF Cyber College host cyber LITE training event

    In keeping with Brown’s mandate of “Accelerate Change or Lose,” the Air Force Culture and Language Center is co-hosting a cyber educational event July 20-29, 2021, to take a closer look at cyber operations in today’s era of global strategic competition.