

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Son of World War II British flight cadet visits Maxwell

    The son of a British service member made a point to stop at Maxwell on June 15 on a tour of the states to see where his father trained during World War II.Edwin Norton, from Norton Fitzwarren, England, took a nostalgic tour of Maxwell to see some of the places that his father, Edgar John Norton,

  • Air Force Surgeon General promotes Airman at Maxwell

    The recently appointed Air Force Surgeon General spent her first Friday on the job visiting Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and presiding over the promotion of an officer she once served with and mentored. Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg promoted her former executive officer, Maj. Elisha Parkhill, now the

  • Enlisted Heritage Research Institute receives Air Force level award

    The Enlisted Heritage Research Institute at Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base was recognized last month when they won an Air Force Heritage award for their work.Chief Master Sgt Emily Shade, along with her team at the EHRI, oversee the research and operations necessary to run one of the Air Force’s most

  • Maxwell Airman volunteers for MIA mission

    The Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency reports that there are 1,597 service members still missing in action from the Vietnam War. All told, more than 82,000 remain unaccounted for from World War II to present day conflicts. The organization’s mission is to “provide the fullest possible accounting for

  • Air University center helps shape airpower with GOPAC, COMPAC

    Inside of a conference room at the Air Force Culture and Language Center at Air University here, general officers and commanders have been quietly meeting, training and preparing for deployments and assignments. Described as some of the Air Force’s “best training opportunities” over the years,

  • AETC and AFIT Focus on Continuum of Learning Initiative

    HQ AETC’s Continuum of Learning Engagement Team, Mrs. Shelly Petruska, Capt. Renee Cassidy and Lt. Jacqueline Crow, led a small group discussion with AFIT’s School of Systems and Logistics, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, May 1, 2018. The CoL engagement team is traveling to all AETC units to