

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Who can concealed carry on base?

    The commander of the 42nd Air Base Wing, Col. Eric Shafa, has authorized the concealed carry of privately owned firearm by qualified law enforcement officers and qualified retired or separated law enforcement officers who are Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act, or LEOSA, credentialed individuals.

  • Air Force to institute new method to protect PII

    Air Force officials announced Feb. 6, 2018, emails containing personally identifiable information, and similar numeric constructs, will be blocked from transmission unless the email is encrypted. For members unable to send or receive encrypted emails, members will be directed to utilize the AMRDEC

  • Culture, language, an integral part of the Air Force mission

    Airmen are deploying across the globe, and some without any knowledge of their destination. Specialists with the Air Force Culture and Language Center here are working to change that. Their mission is to end that cycle of not knowing. They make it their priority to teach Airmen of all ranks what

  • Maxwell Middle Schoolers learn about Social Media and Cyber Dangers

    Middle school students learned about the dangers of social media and how easy things can go wrong while in the cyber domain Feb. 2, 2018. Lt. William Hough, Tallapoosa County Sheriff Dept., chief investigating/training officer, spoke to Maxwell’s middle school students about all the dangers that

  • Need a lift?

    Air Force passenger terminals’ mission is much larger than simply providing services to distinguished visitors, they also provide services to all Airmen who may need a lift.

  • Flight Leaders Course continues to improve after two successful classes

    Having graduated their second class in November, 42nd Force Support Squadrons Flight Leaders Course administrators continue to prove successful in preparing their students for squadron-level leadership roles. The strength of this course is diversity, said Master Sgt. Donnovan Bowman, 42nd FSS career

  • Maxwell announces quarterly award winners

    42nd Air Base Wing commander, Col. Eric Shafa, presented the winners of Team Maxwell’s fourth quarterly awards, Jan. 26, 2018, Maxwell Air Force Base.  Airman of the quarter: SrA Richard Caesar Non-commissioned officer of the quarter: Tech. Sgt. K C Fought Company grade officer of the quarter: Capt.

  • An OTS MTI: Shaping our Air Force 100 cadets at a time

    “Hurry up!” These are the greeting words for the newest Officer Training School cadets. The cadets quickly move up the side walk toward a group of Military Training Instructors, whose mission is to shape them into Air Force leaders. For the new cadets, this day will be remembered as their first day

  • Ambassadors honored during annual IOS event

    The International Officer School’s annual Alabama Goodwill Ambassador Appreciation Night was held Thursday at the Maxwell Club. The event offered an opportunity to recognize the outstanding performance of community members who volunteer as Alabama Goodwill Ambassadors for international officers

  • Restoring Smiles Abroad

    Kelley Davis, Maxwell Dental Clinic volunteer, was a stay-at-home mom when she began taking college courses. She applied for as many scholarships as she could, with many of them being geared toward military families. She estimates that 95 percent of her tuition was covered by scholarships. Since