

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • OTS eliminates component distinctions

    The Air Force Officer Training School here has removed all service component distinctions from its line officer commissioning courses.Regular Air Force and Reserve cadets no longer receive their commissions through Basic Officer Training or Air National Guard cadets through the Academy of Military

  • Airmen focus on heritage during National Prayer luncheon

    The Maxwell Chapel hosted a National Prayer luncheon Thursday, Feb. 5, 2015, at the combined club here.More than 90 base members and leaders gathered to listen to prayers from different religions and to hear keynote speaker Chap. (Col.) Steven Schaick, command chaplain, Air Education and Training

  • Maxwell-Gunter Airmen judge Montgomery JROTC drill meet

    Nineteen Junior ROTC units competed in the Larry Jones Invitational Drill Meet hosted by Robert E. Lee High School, Montgomery, Alabama, Jan. 31.The Junior ROTC units traveled from as far as Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida and throughout Alabama to have a chance to compete for the Commander's

  • AFRC class teaches Airmen how to get out of debt

    The Airman and Family Readiness Center offers "Paying off holiday debt" class to teach Airmen how to efficiently pay off debts that accumulate during the holiday season.The class focuses on holiday debt because this is when most Airmen find themselves spending outside their budgets. Most spend

  • SOS: Better than I expected

    After commissioning in May 2009, I attended the Air and Space Basic Course the following September.I hated it.The course covered material most students had already learned and seemed a waste of time to me. While I enjoyed the networking, I would have passed on the experience as a whole.I expected

  • Community members honored at AGA appreciation night

    Maxwell and River Region leaders gathered to honor local community members during the annual Alabama Goodwill Ambassador Appreciation Night, Jan. 27, at the Maxwell Club here.Alabama Goodwill Ambassadors are volunteer sponsors from the Montgomery-River Region who assist international officers and

  • February is African American History Month

    Throughout the history of the United States, African-Americans have significantly contributed to the rich heritage and culture of this country in all areas of society.  Since 1976, each February Americans have celebrated the history and heritage of African-Americans.  This special observance began

  • Wing commander sets goals, priorities for 2015

    The 42nd Air Base Wing commander, Col. Andrea Tullos, sat down with this reporter Jan. 13 to talk about wing accomplishments since she assumed command of the wing in May 2014 and to share her vision for the Maxwell-Gunter community in 2015.Public Affairs:  Reflecting back on 2014, what were things

  • Inactivation ceremony held for 690th NSS detachment

    The 690th Network Support Squadron, Detachment 2, was inactivated during a  ceremony at the First Sergeants Academy, Maxwell-Gunter Air Force Base, Alabama, Dec. 16, 2014.The unit supported the Enterprise Service Desk as part of a worldwide call center.  In collaboration with agencies such as the