

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

944 FSS top MPF in AFRC

  • Published
  • 944th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

Col. (Ret.) Jim Greenwald, former 944th Fighter Wing commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Catherine Buchanan, 944th FW command chief, presented the Headquarters Air Force Reserve Command A1 Gerritt D. Foster, Jr. Award to the 944th Force Support Squadron during Greenwald’s final Commander’s Call May 2, 2021 at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona. The Military Personnel Flight was recognized as the 2020 Outstanding MPF of the Year.

The award recognizes the accomplishments of the MPF, which uniquely contributes to the well-being of Airmen, from day-to-day requirements to readiness operations within the force support community.

“Last year was tough,” said Master Sgt. Tina Simmons, 944th FSS MPF superintendent. “COVID-19 restrictions brought new challenges, including virtual work requirements and reduced manpower, but we pulled together to take care of our Airman and their families and completed the mission without skipping a beat.”

According to Greenwald, the MPF is an example of the 360-degree service provided by the 944th FSS.

“The amazing personnel in our Force Support Squadron provide an incredible service to this wing,” said Greenwald. “We see some of what they do for us, but so much of it is done behind the scenes and this unit could not complete its mission without the tireless work provided by the FSS team.”

This is not the first time the 944th FSS received this recognition. The squadron also accepted the award for top MPF in the Air Force Reserve in 2007.

“We are dedicated to taking care of all Airmen of the 944th Fighter Wing,” concluded Simmons. “We will keep pursuing improved processes and customer service in support of the wing.”