

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • 42nd SFS Civilian earned Air Force-level award, recognized for excellence

    David Langdon, 42nd Security Forces Squadron Chief of Plans and Programs, was presented the William A. Davidson Award during a ceremony held at the Pentagon November 2. The William A. Davidson Award is named after the former administrative assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force and retired OSI

  • Remembering American and Allied Veterans

    This coming weekend, millions of Americans are planning for take a long three-day weekend.  Some will travel to friends and relatives.  Others will have socials for friends and relatives at their homes. Whatever American do, they should remember why they have this holiday:  to honor the millions of

  • Air University tests out new material for Flight Leader’s Course

    Air University and the eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education conducted beta-testing for their new course material as a part of the Flight Commander’s Edge program at the Maxwell Education Center Oct. 9 – 12. The Flight Commander’s Edge program supports in the development of flight

  • JEALS 2018 furthers development of the next generation of leaders

    The junior enlisted of Maxwell hosted the third annual Junior Enlisted Airmen Leadership Symposium at Maxwell – Gunter Annex Oct. 10 – 11.  During this two-day professional and personal development event, there was more than eight workshops and the opportunity to venture out on a tour at the Hyundai

  • Maxwell employee says goodbye after 61 years of service

    The word “service” is one that is heard a lot throughout the military, however, the word is typically directed to only those in uniform. On Sept. 7, the Maxwell community said farewell to a civilian team member who dedicated years of service to the base. Jeremiah Parks, Maxwell Fitness and Wellness

  • Air Force Surgeon General promotes Airman at Maxwell

    The recently appointed Air Force Surgeon General spent her first Friday on the job visiting Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama and presiding over the promotion of an officer she once served with and mentored. Lt. Gen. Dorothy Hogg promoted her former executive officer, Maj. Elisha Parkhill, now the

  • Maxwell honors 42nd SFS Airmen during Police Week

    The 42nd Security Forces Squadron hosted several events throughout the week to celebrate and honor the men and women in law enforcement who protect and serve our community for National Police Week, May 14 – 18, 2018, on Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. National Police Week was established in 1962,