

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • 2019 Secretary of the Air Force Awards

    Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson and Lt. Gen. Anthony Cotton, Air University commander and president, both center, stand with recipients of the 2019 Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award May 14, 2019, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Secretary Wilson met with the recipients during

  • Key to success: Allied airpower at Normandy

    On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 Allied soldiers from 16 nations stormed ashore onto Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword beaches along a 50-mile stretch of France’s heavily fortified Normandy Peninsula. For months, the Allies had planned this major joint, combined operation, codenamed Overlord, the

  • SecAF, CSAF visit AU for 66th annual National Security Forum

    The NSF is designed to inform community influencers on Air University and the Air Force’s current and future objectives as well as plans for enhancing national security, and is hosted by Air War College on behalf of the Secretary of the Air Force.

  • A New Home for One of the Brave

    In the early 2000s, escalating tensions in Iraq caused severe damage to the region. Many Iraqi citizens fled the country’s borders, fearing for their lives under Saddam Hussein’s rule. It’s doubtful too many had hopes of one day becoming an American, and even fewer, an American Airman.

  • Barnes Center rolls out new ALS curriculum

    When pencils go down and scores go up, senior airmen across the Air Force check to see their line number. Out of thousands, a name they recognize as their own shows up and, when the dust they kicked up from clicking their heels finally settles, a unit first sergeant, commander or supervisor lets