

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Distance learning an AU priority

    As the new year unfolds, technological advancements combined with traditional learning methods are continuing to be applied at Maxwell, which will assist in the advancement of Airmen education.Emerging technologies permit Maxwell the ability to utilize new software in a way that can speed the

  • Maxwell exceeds its 2012 CFC goal

    Raising more than $560,000 for charitable organizations, Maxwell has once again proven the depth of its heart, by not only reaching its Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign goal to provide services to children, the homeless, natural disaster areas and the environment, but exceeding it as well.

  • State Dept. and AWC enhance partnership

    Helping to bridge the gap between military and civilian agencies, the Air War College held its annual U.S. State Department Days Nov. 12-14.Sixteen visiting personnel from the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development met with AWC students, sharing their

  • EHRI dedicates display to a chaplain assistant

    In honor of a sergeant who demonstrated service before self, the Enlisted Heritage Research Institute at Gunter held a display dedication ceremony Nov. 5 in memory of Staff Sgt.Merle Y. Strang, a chaplain assistant.While assigned to the 5th Air Force in Seoul, Korea, during the Korean Conflict,

  • Bring up your fitness, join Club '100'

    Maxwell Air Base recognizes Airmen who earn a perfect score of 100 on their annual physical fitness assessment. These Airmen have improved their score from their last physical training test in order to get into Maxwell's Club 100, or have had a score of 100 previously.Name: Maj. Richard YountsUnit:

  • Bring up your fitness, join Club '100'

    Maxwell Air Base recognizes Airmen who earn a perfect score of 100 on their annual physical fitness assessment. These Airmen have improved their score from their last physical training test in order to get into Maxwell's Club 100, or have had a score of 100 previously.Name: Staff Sgt. Troy

  • In case of emergency - Multiple means of notification

    In emergency situations, the Air Education and Training Command aims to use the latest technology to reach base personnel through multiple means as quickly as possible. The AtHoc Emergency Mass Notification System allows command posts to notify the installation of weather warnings and dangerous

  • Raising awareness about domestic violence

    When punches are thrown, feelings are bruised and the family is crushed, violence within the home becomes a sobering subject. Domestic violence has the power to seep into any household within the Maxwell community, according to Maxwell's Family Advocacy Officer Beverly Lesyea.Family advocacy, which