

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Medical 'C-code' not a deployment disqualifier

    Contrary to common belief, a medical assignment limitation code, commonly known as the "C-code," does not disqualify an Airman from deployment, and it does not identify an Airman for medical discharge.A "C-code" applied to a member's profile for medical reasons is one of the various tools AFPC

  • Med Group offers new message service

    The 42nd Medical Group is excited to begin patient registration for MiCare, the military's online confidential secure messaging service. This system has been shown to significantly increase patient satisfaction, reduce the number of phone calls between patients and providers, and save patients' and

  • Making it personal: Air Force Critical Days of Summer

    With hopes of calling attention to the tragic loss or injury of Airmen during the summertime, the Air Force entered its annual critical days of summer on May 25, with the theme, "It's Personal."The Critical Days of Summer is an annual safety campaign which begins on Memorial Day weekend and runs

  • 42nd FSS hosts Armed Forces Day

    Airmen and their families flocked to sunny Lake Martin to enjoy food, games and relaxation for Armed Forces Day Saturday, thanks to the 42nd Force Support Squadron."We wanted to bring folks up here who have never been here before so we can show them all we have to offer," said Jeff Rice, the outdoor

  • AWC graduates class of 2012

    Two hundred and forty-two students graduated from the Air War College Thursday after spending the school year expanding their capacity for strategic leadership and critical thought."These new Air War College graduates are better prepared than any class in the school's history to take on the

  • Spouse Appreciation Week: Events link them to the mission

    Spouses took part in more than 25 events and programs as Maxwell Air Force Base celebrated Spouse Appreciation Week May 7-11."It is a week to say 'thank you' for all our military spouses do here in the Maxwell Air Force Base community, and I sincerely hope that our military spouses realize how

  • Week honors the fallen, builds camaraderie

    To remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and foster a sense of camaraderie among River Region agencies, the 42nd Security Forces Squadron hosted Police Week events this week at Maxwell Air Force Base."Their sacrifice was in one word - noble," said Maj. Tony Castillo, commander of the 42nd

  • Four Airmen Receive 2012 Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award

    Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley presented four Airmen with the 2012 Secretary of the Air Force Leadership Award May 11 during a ceremony at the Air War College here. The award is the Air Force's most prestigious award for leadership in the professional military education environment."The

  • Mock trial gives students hands-on court experience

    The 42nd Air Base Wing, along with a class from Maxwell's Elementary Middle School, presented a theatrical production for Law Day May 1 at the Judge Advocate General's School. The 42nd ABW legal office assisted in teaching the law-related education course to Deborah Drozdowski's eighth grade