

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Military spouses tackle SOS Project X

    Several spouses of officers in Squadron Officer School Class 12E gained a first-hand experience of SOS Sept. 19 at one of the most challenging tasks the students will face while at the school: Project X.The 12 spouses, joined by Susan Czelusta, wife of Squadron Officer College Commander Col. Mark

  • Wilderness Park gives options for autumn hiking

    Editor's Note - This is part two of a three part series.October kicks off the start of cooler temperatures and brings the pinnacle of hiking season in the south along with it.The hot and humid summer seems to be in Alabama's rearview mirror, accompanied by more favorable temperatures for outdoor

  • Strength for Spouses - A red carpet night for 42nd ABW

    To help spouses develop resiliency, key spouse mentors designed a new program and presented it to the community Sept. 28 during a red-carpet event at the Maxwell Club.Leaders and families learned about the Strength for Spouses program, which features a video, resiliency quiz and resources to help

  • Maxwell brings Fire Prevention Week to children

    Children have an important role when it comes to fire prevention and safety. They will be the main audience for this year's Fire Prevention Week activities Oct. 7-13, according to assistant fire Chief James K. Smith of Maxwell's Air Force Fire Department.With many fun events planned throughout the

  • Airman spends day with command chief

    As part of the Junior Enlisted Advisory Council shadow program, one of Maxwell's newest Airmen had an opportunity to spend the day with the 42nd Air Base Wing command chief Aug. 8.Airman 1st Class Lance Thornton, an Air University computer programmer, was selected by a group of his peers to receive

  • Maxwell’s Air Park: Walk through history

    The intellectual and leadership center of the Air Force has continuous reminders of one particular subject -- history. Maxwell Air Force Base's Air Park, located on the Academic Circle, displays 12 static aircraft from different periods in time. Air Park was founded in April 1983, through the

  • Fitness in the summer: tips to beat the heat

    With summer temperatures consistently above 90-degrees accompanied with high humidity, exercising outdoors can be difficult for students and permanent party personnel stationed here.The heat and humidity poses challenges for many, especially for those who are not from the southern region. This

  • Snakes, rodents common summer visitors to base

    Runners and residents on base are encouraged to watch out for more than just the humidity and summer sun - snakes, raccoons, opossums and even feral cats have a presence around Maxwell. "Snakes have been spotted by the base lakes, along River Road, by some buildings and base housing," said Bob