

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Retiree Appreciation Day brings veterans fun, friends, info

    Though he retired 38 years ago, Willie Dickerson, 72, is still very much a part of the military community. He retired as an Air Force technical sergeant after serving in "part of Korea and all of Vietnam." He's lived in Montgomery since 1955, his children were born on base, in the hospital that has

  • Zoo animals bring feathery, furry fun to base exchange

    This kind of eagle never makes an appearance at Maxwell's Gathering of Eagles.Aspen, a 16-year-old golden eagle, stretched and flapped her wings, impressing children and adults alike during her visit to Maxwell Air Force Base Thursday. She was among about 10 animals, big and small, on display in a

  • Prevent flu this year

    Influenza, also known as the flu, is not usually thought of as a life-threatening illness. But it can be very serious for the elderly, young children and people with other underlying health problems. About 36,000 people die from flu-related causes in the United States every year. The flu is also

  • Base goes above and beyond CFC goal

    With one week to go, Maxwell-Gunter organizations have achieved 103 percent of their stated goal in the Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign.As of Tuesday, Maxwell personnel have exceeded the $525,493 goal, with 1,726 individuals contributing $540,419 to the campaign. This year's Heart of

  • Affordable Care Act impacts federal benefits

    Several provisions of the Affordable Care Act will be implemented Jan. 1 affecting eligibility and benefits for appropriated civilian employees under the Federal Employees Health Benefits and Federal Flexible Spending Account programs.One of the provisions of Public Law 111-148 changes FEHB

  • Demolition of Maxwell row housing on schedule

    Maxwell's row house demolition is on schedule to have the area back to grass by the first of 2011, the Hunt Building Company project manager said.Tim Bass said the project had to be delayed slightly until Air University students graduated and vacated the housing, but the last of the buildings would

  • Former Airmen provide behind-the-scenes look at domestic violence

    Anita Washington, a retired master sergeant and retired civilian employee, and Matthew Correia, a former security forces member, discussed aspects of domestic violence from the perspective of victims and security forces personnel during the 42nd Medical Group's annual Family Advocacy Program

  • Maxwell Elementary School plans Red Ribbon Week festivities

    As part of Red Ribbon Week, Maxwell Elementary School will feature awareness events to get the antidrug message out to children and their parents.Maxwell's Youth Leadership Team planned a list of activities for the week, said Becky Hill, the faculty advisor to Maxwell's Youth Leadership Team. A

  • Gathering celebrates Hispanic heritage

    Guest speaker Chief Master Sgt. Jose Barraza enlightened the audience on the value of heritage at the Hispanic Heritage Fiesta. The event Oct. 15 at the Officers' Club was held to mark National Hispanic Heritage Month, which stretches from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15. The theme this year was "Heritage,

  • Halloween safety

    The Maxwell Air Force Base, Gunter Annex community will observe Halloween from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 30.That night, children will be going door-to-door throughout Maxwell-Gunter housing areas trick-or-treating in search of candy and fun. The safety of the children is a priority. The 42nd Security Forces