

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Influenza prevention strategy: Social distancing

    Prevention is vital for protecting yourself, as well as your family and co-workers from influenza during the upcoming influenza season. One prevention strategy recommended by the Centers for Disease Control is "Social Distancing." Distancing guidance is based on scientific knowledge that the

  • Ceremony honors POW-MIA sacrifice

    Throughout the nation's history, personal sacrifices have often been required of those involved in national defense. The sacrifices of American prisoners of war and missing in action were recognized with a luncheon, a Missing Man Table ceremony and a wreath-laying in front of the POW/MIA monument as

  • Air Force Chief of Staff names MIT cadet as cadet of the year

    The Air Force Chief of Staff, Gen. Norton A. Schwartz, recently named the 2009 United States Air Force Cadet of the Year. Cadet Col. Ryan W. Castonia, a senior, majoring in Aerospace Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was notified of the honor in an official letter signed by

  • ORE closes with valuable lessons learned

    The 908th Airlift Wing returned to Maxwell Saturday after a week-long Operational Readiness Exercise at the Gulfport Combat Readiness Training Center, Gulfport, Miss. While there, the wing learned much in its preparation for the December Operational Readiness Inspection. For the exercise, six of the

  • AFHRA employee retires after more than 50 years of service

    Fresh out of high school, Helen Weaver joined the ranks of the Montgomery Veteran's Administration in September 1957, and has been a government employee ever since. She began her career as a clerk/typist at the VA and was looking forward to a career in government service. "Even before I got out of

  • 42nd Medical Group offers new ‘quality of life’ classes

    The 42nd Medical Group is offering new "quality of life" classes that address sleep enhancement, pain management and stress. Many people suffer from restless sleep, chronic pain and emotional distress (depression, anxiety or anger). If interested in learning ways to improve sleep, the sleep

  • Online tool offers mental health self-assessment

    A new online tool offers military servicemembers and their families free, anonymous mental health self-assessments. "Military Pathways" is an online screening tool that allows servicemembers and their families to assess their mental well-being anonymously and to identify symptoms linked with mental

  • 42nd Medical Group prepares for flu immunizations

    The 42nd Medical Group Immunizations Clinic is prepared to protect the base population from seasonal influenza, or flu. This year's influenza vaccination is the best way to prevent infection and complications associated with the virus. The Centers for Disease Control, or CDC, recommends everyone 6

  • Base goes to 24-hour ops to load, ‘deploy’ 908th Airlift Wing

    Starting at noon on Saturday, members of the 42nd Air Base Wing went to 24-hour operations until Monday night, exercising the Wing's ability to deploy one of its largest mission partners - the 908th Airlift Wing. In a dress rehearsal for its December Operational Readiness Inspection, the 908th

  • CFC kicks off with base-wide celebration

    Before a crowd of more than 150 base members and employees and community federal employees, the Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign kicked off its 2009 campaign at the Maxwell Officers' Club, on Monday. According to the organization's Web site, the mission of CFC is to promote and support