

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Base horticulturist finds it 'easy to be green'

    Jane McCarthy knows plants. She will tell you she has a "green disease," and that if she gives it to you, it's a good thing. As Maxwell's horticulturist and base greenhouse director, she has a degree in Landscape Design from Auburn University, pruning sheers on her belt and is often referred to by

  • Military officials monitor swine flu

    Defense Department officials are monitoring the swine flu situation closely, with their primary focus on protecting the military population, a senior Pentagon official said April 27. As officials with the Department of Health and Human Services lead the U.S. effort, the military is posturing itself

  • Maxwell-Gunter plans Earth Day events

    Maxwell and Gunter are planning several events to celebrate Earth Day on April 24, according to Beth Osgood. The events are part of the national observance of Earth Day that began in 1970 to celebrate gains and create new visions to accelerate environmental progress, according to the U.S.

  • Alcohol Awareness Month focuses on abuse

    When many people think of alcohol abusers, they picture teenagers sneaking drinks before high school football games or at unsupervised parties. However, alcohol abuse is prevalent within many demographic groups in the United States. People who abuse alcohol can include the following; young military

  • SARC says one sexual assault is one too many

    "If there's one sexual assault, then it's one too many," said LaNesa Howard, Sexual Assault Response Coordinator, or SARC, for Maxwell and Gunter. Sexual assault is a crime punishable by the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by

  • Pinnacle opens renovated housing at Gunter

    As part of phase-one of the Maxwell-Gunter housing renovations, Pinnacle-Hunt Communities held a ribbon-cutting ceremony Tuesday for 16 renovated homes on Sneed and Fisher Roads at Gunter. This phase of the project took about three and a half months to complete and resulted in houses of increased

  • BOV returns to Air University

    The Air University Board of Visitors is meeting for the first time this year at Maxwell, and there are some new faces among the group. The board meets several times each year at Maxwell, the Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and other locations as needed and

  • Students build LEGO robots, visit Mars

    Elementary school students from four schools in Fort Benning, Ga., and one from Fort Rucker, Ala., joined Maxwell Elementary on March 31 for a day of building computerized robots and then programming them to do things such as transverse a replica of the Mars landscape. Coordinator of the event was

  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month kicks off with campaign, Web site

    As part of a nationwide observance this month to raise awareness about one of the country's most under-reported crimes, Defense Department officials launched a new Web site and campaign April 3 that give military members fresh initiatives and new teaching methods to prevent sexual assault, the

  • Wing chaplain addresses Women's History Month luncheon

    Altruism, intelligent nurturing and inspiration are qualities of womanhood needed in today's workplace, the wing chaplain said March 26 as the featured speaker at the Maxwell-Gunter Women's History Month luncheon at the Maxwell Officers' Club. "Women, we all are standing on the shoulders of other