

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Visitors get inside view of honor guard duties

    The Maxwell-Gunter Honor Guard has traveled 78,452 miles this year. That equals crisscrossing the state more than 245 times. The group has performed 501 details and given more than 17,000 man hours. They are the face of the Air Force to the American public, and many are no older than 25 years. Their

  • Heart of Alabama CFC exceeds goal by more than $66k

    Pledges to the Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign surpassed expectations, landing at 108 percent of the original goal, Lt. Gen. Allen Peck, commander of Air University and the chairman for the Heart of Alabama CFC, announced Wednesday at the victory and awards ceremony. "It's all about the

  • Renovations, new exhibits for Enlisted Heritage Hall

    Visitors to Gunter Annex's Enlisted Heritage Hall, the only Air Force museum dedicated to preserving the contributions and heroics of enlisted members, may not notice the two biggest problems curators face there, but they are sure to notice the solutions. "We have two problems here regarding our

  • Virtual Air Force base opens doors to public

    The first virtual Air Force base opened its doors to the world Dec. 2, heralded by Maj. Gen. Erwin Lessel, the Director of Plans, Programs, Requirements and Assessments at Air Education and Training Command. The general's remarks were made during the general officers' panel discussion at the annual

  • Shoplifting steals spotlight from holiday season

    With the holidays in full swing, shoplifting is once again in the forefront for retailers, especially the Maxwell-Gunter Base Exchange. So far, 30 individuals have been charged with shoplifting in 2008 at Maxwell. "As the holiday season approaches, more customers will come into our stores, and that

  • Drunk driving simulator makes dangers real for Airmen

    Statistics reveal more than 2 million people die each year as a result of drunk driving, A group dedicated to reducing that number visited Maxwell on Thursday to spread their message of how easy it is to prevent drunk driving, and quickly drinking can lead to loss of control. The Save A Life Tour

  • Arnold Guinea Pigs hold 66th reunion

    Ten thousand volunteered, 400 were accepted, 239 made it. Their orders were signed one year to the day after the attack on Pearl Harbor. These were the men of the test class - Gen. Henry "Hap" Arnold's famous 42-X experimental pilot instructor class. "The war effort needed pilots and needed them

  • Combined Federal Campaign ends in plus column

    The eight-week Combined Federal Campaign ended at Maxwell-Gunter Nov. 7, reaching 109 percent of the base-wide goal of $553,935. Total donations were $602,940 with Air University, the 42nd Air Base Wing and mission partners reaching 120, 122 and 106 percent of their goals respectively. Maj. Janet

  • Tops in Blue entertains with oldies, but goodies

    The Air Force's premier entertainment group performed for a near-capacity crowd at the Davis Theater in downtown Montgomery Sunday. The group, which consists of active-duty Air Force members, tours the world performing for military members and their families. The concert, themed "Deja Blue," lasted