

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University after 70 years

    On March 12, 1946, Maj. Gen. Muir S. Fairchild, the newly selected commander of Air University, formally dedicated Air University at then Maxwell Field. Three years earlier, senior U.S. Army Air Forces leaders with victory in the current war in sight, conceived the idea for a postwar “university of

  • Step up: Don’t be afraid to be a Mitchell, Doolittle, or Arnold

    The U.S. Air Force is sitting at a nexus in which the world is becoming increasingly dangerous and complex, and our nation is asking us to do things that keep us busier now than ever before, yet we have fewer people now than at any point in our history—just over a third of what we had in the 1950s!

  • Calling all millennials: Fight for your reputation

    As the debate over a massive generational gap within the military becomes more prevalent, members within different generational groups should pause and consider what each contributes to mission success, rather than what makes one better than the other. Yes, I am technically a millennial; however, I

  • See and be seen when running - Stop, look and listen

    Headphones can be hazardous to your health, not just in potential hearing loss but in an increased risk of incurring a fatal accident.According to research by the University of Maryland School of Medicine and Medical Center, headphone-related serious injuries have more than tripled in just the last

  • AU commander and president talks inspection, opportunities

    Q: Having been on the job for two weeks now and hosting in-briefs with the centers and directorates, what are your initial take-aways? What are your initial impressions?A: This is my third full assignment here at Maxwell-Gunter and at the Air University. I will say that it's nice to know that some

  • Commentary - Faith and loyalty: Thoughts on retirement benefits

    Senior military and civilian leaders inside the Department of Defense have the difficult task of conducting prudent planning in anticipation of impending budget reductions. As is expected, high-end and high-dollar equipment programs either have already been cut or are being eyed for the chopping

  • Commentary - What I believe

    After a change of command, people generally want, and genuinely need, to know how the new boss will lead them during his or her tenure. As commander and president of the Air University, I would like to share three leadership beliefs and seven organizational principles that shape my outlook and

  • Model safe drinking for the holidays

    The holiday season offers an excellent opportunity for parents to communicate with their children about drinking alcohol.Children who live in homes where alcohol is not the primary focus of holiday get-togethers may be less likely to grow up thinking that drinking is the key ingredient to having a

  • Airmen need to ask themselves ‘Can I deploy today?’

    Each military member, regardless of assigned unit or location, must be ready to deploy. It's simply a fundamental part of the service to the nation. Outside of job training, each Airmen must be personally ready to deploy when called upon. To do so, consider the following:Family and children:

  • Officials: Maxwell, community relations strong

    Top Maxwell Air Force Base leaders spoke recently about the relationship between the base and the surrounding metro area at a forum at Auburn Montgomery. The half-day conference Monday brought military and civic leaders together to speak and field questions about a range of topics mutually affecting