

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University wraps up third annual LREC symposium

    Air University’s third annual Language, Regional Expertise and Culture Symposium was held Wednesday and Thursday, here.The event welcomed experts from around the world to talk about the importance of culture and language’s role in airpower. The theme for this year’s symposium was “Cultural Agility,”

  • Highlighting the importance of diversity in today’s Air Force

    The Maxwell Equal Opportunity office welcomed members from the community to celebrate diversity Friday during the base’s fifth annual Cultural Awareness Day event in the Honor Guard Hangar here.Brig. Gen. Stacey T. Hawkins, Ogden Air Logistics Complex commander, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, was a

  • Air Force Reservist brings comic-con to military members

    Make-up, costumes and talent came together Saturday, to create a one of a kind masterpieces to showcase at the only place it seems acceptable: a comic convention. Staff Sgt. Christopher Tarantino, an Air Force reservist assigned to the 164th Airlift Wing within the Tennessee Air National Guard,

  • AU students discuss innovation, technology during first research symposium

    Augmented reality for special operations units, adaptive flight training, machine learning and cognitive computing were just a few of the topics discussed during the first Air Command and Staff College research symposium held here yesterday and today.Twenty-seven ACSC students presented their

  • Maxwell prepares for Cultural Awareness Day

    The 42nd Air Base Wing is scheduled to host its annual Cultural Awareness Day event, located at the Maxwell Honor Guard Hangar, Building 842, March 23 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cultural Awareness Day is hosted to recognize all of the yearly observances in one day. Observances included at the event

  • CORONA returns to Maxwell

    The Air Force’s top leaders convened here for the annual CORONA South conference, Feb. 25 through Feb. 28, to discuss present and future issues regarding the Air Force.“This year’s CORONA was extremely successful and historic as it coincides with Maxwell’s Centennial anniversary.” said Col. Melissa