

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Alabama Goodwill Ambassadors honored

    The annual Alabama Goodwill Ambassador's Appreciation Night, held at the Maxwell Club Tuesday, honored sponsors for their tremendous support of the AGA program. Ambassadors sponsor international officers attending the Air University schools. The program provides opportunity for ambassadors and

  • Base celebrates legacy of King

    The Maxwell chapel held a memorial service Jan. 18 for Martin Luther King Jr., celebrating the life and work of the famous civil rights activist. During his invocation, Chaplain (Capt.) David Del Prado called attendees to walk in the footsteps of the late King."We remember the heart of a man who

  • Inaugural AU doctorate presented

    Lt. Col. Tadd Sholtis, deputy director of public affairs at Headquarters Air Combat Command at Langley Air Force Base, Va., accepted the Air University's first doctorate degree conferred by a Maxwell-based institution.AU's Air Force Institute of Technology at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio, has been

  • Air University Awards Tom Brokaw Honorary Degree

    The Air University honored Tom Brokaw with an honorary degree Monday."You are one of the most trusted and respected figures in broadcast journalism," said Lt. Gen. David Fadok, commander and president of the Air University, during the ceremony at Polifka Auditorium. "The magnitude of a news event

  • Air War College classes of 1972 and 1982 hold reunion

    The Air War College welcomed back 14 of its own from the classes of 1972 and 1982 Oct. 27-28. Alumni reconnected with the institution, rekindled friendships and engaged in the academic debates of the day with the current Air War College students and faculty. They also connected with Air University

  • IOS honor roll recognizes accomplishments of alumni

    To recognize those who excelled in their own countries, rising to high ranks, the International Officer School named 19 former students to its International Honor Roll.Building partnerships with countries around the globe is an important facet of the Air Force, said Lt. Gen. David Fadok, commander

  • AFRI to host Asia-Pacific Symposium

    The Air Force Research Institute will host the Asia-Pacific Symposium at Maxwell Dec. 6-7 at the Squadron Officer College. The event, titled "The Asia-Pacific Century: Overcoming the Strategy Gap," coincides with the institute's research emphasis on the Air Force's long-range strategy in the

  • AU to grant Tom Brokaw honorary degree

    In recognition for his dedication to today's service members, Air University will award an honorary degree to television journalist and author Tom Brokaw.Dr. Bruce Murphy, vice president for academic affairs, said Brokaw was an ideal choice because of his prominence and strong alliance with the

  • Air University Foundation luncheon to honor Brokaw

    The Air University Foundation is hosting a luncheon for honorary degree recipient Tom Brokaw from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Renaissance Hotel and Spa at the Convention Center. Brokaw will be the featured guest speaker at the luncheon. According to Joe Panza, Air University Foundation