

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AFHRA employee retires after more than 50 years of service

    Fresh out of high school, Helen Weaver joined the ranks of the Montgomery Veteran's Administration in September 1957, and has been a government employee ever since. She began her career as a clerk/typist at the VA and was looking forward to a career in government service. "Even before I got out of

  • CFC kicks off with base-wide celebration

    Before a crowd of more than 150 base members and employees and community federal employees, the Heart of Alabama Combined Federal Campaign kicked off its 2009 campaign at the Maxwell Officers' Club, on Monday. According to the organization's Web site, the mission of CFC is to promote and support

  • Hispanic Heritage Month opening ceremony focuses on rich heritage

    The Hispanic Heritage Month opening ceremony Tuesday at the Maxwell Event Center opened eyes to the diversity of the Hispanic experience through slices of life - home-cooked food, educational displays, presentations and clothing. Tech Sgt. Juan Medina and Tech. Sgt. Hortencia Crutcher, both of

  • First enlisted-to-officer air liaison officers receive Air Force commissions

    The Air Force's newest officer career field welcomed its first five former Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Airmen after they received their Air Force commissions Sept. 9 from Officer Training School here. Effective Aug. 1 the Air Force dedicated Air Liaison Officer (ALO) as a specific officer

  • Maxwell to undergo DISA Enhanced Compliance Validation

    Maxwell will undergo a Defense Information Systems Agency Enhanced Compliance Validation, or ECV, network inspection Sept. 28 through Oct. 2. "The ECV is very similar to an Operational Readiness Inspection, or a Nuclear Surety Inspection, of our secure and non-secure networks," said Major Gerald

  • Defense Department to start H1N1 flu vaccinations

    All military personnel will be vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus, and the vaccine will be available to all military family members who want it, a Defense Department health affairs official said Sept. 2. The H1N1 vaccination program will begin in early October, said Army Lt. Col. (Dr.) Wayne

  • Air Force releases Lieutenant Colonel, Major promotion list

    The Air Force released Sept. 10 promotion lists to the ranks of Lieutenant Colonel and Major. The following from Maxwell-Gunter were promoted to Lieutenant Colonel: Spaatz Center Gene F. Cummins Air Command and Staff College Mark A. Carlson Gary M. Civitella Stacy J. Craig Brian J. Crothers Paul J.

  • Intramural sports adds Ultimate Frisbee

    The Maxwell-Gunter Fitness and Sports Center is including Ultimate Frisbee for the first time as an intramural sport. The Frisbee season begins Oct. 20. Deadline for team entry is no later than Oct. 9, according to Yancey Atchley, director of intramural sports. Squadrons can enter a team by