

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Maxwell holds Asian-Pacific American heritage luncheon

    The Officers' Club ballroom was filled on Tuesday with onlookers who commented that the colorfully-attired Chinese American dancer on stage portrayed the elegance and strength of a peacock so well that they were "swept up in the beauty and art of her traditional Asian dance."Springna Zhao performed

  • Missoula Children's Theater 'Princess and the Pea' coming in June

    "The Princess and the Pea" play that has delighted audiences from children to adults is coming to Maxwell in June. The Missoula Children's Theater will audition, rehearse and stage this popular play with Maxwell and Gunter Community children. The play requires 60 cast members. Auditions begin June 8

  • Air War College hosts 56th National Security Forum

    For the 56th consecutive year, civilians from across America ventured to Maxwell-Gunter for the National Security Forum.The forum, hosted by the Air University Spaatz Center for Officer Education's Air War College and sponsored by the Secretary of the Air Force, is designed to familiarize members of

  • Maxwell gives local arts group peek at Air Force art collection

    At the invitation of Air University Commander Lt. Gen. Allen G. Peck, the Montgomery Area Business Committee for the Arts, or MABCA, held a quarterly meeting at the Maxwell Officers' Club on May 6 to view the installation's art collection. Among those in attendance at the luncheon were 42nd Air Base

  • Maxwell 09E7 master sergeant selectee list

    Congratulations to the newest 09E7 master sergeant selects from Maxwell Air Force Base. Atwood, Thomas J. Bowen, Yancy B. Cap, Angel M. Ceglar, William V. Cella, Benjamin L. Chandler, John M. Crutcher, Hortencia Dasilva, Armando J. Davis-Vails, Crystal Eckert, Charles J.I. Ellis, Marshaun L.

  • Base restricts viewing of National Security Forum aerial demo

    Each year, Air University's Air War College brings a cross-section of civilians from American society to Maxwell for the annual National Security Forum. The purpose of NSF is to acquaint those individuals with what the Air Force is doing and what it has planned for the future. Lt. Col. Stephen