

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Lake Martin open house celebrates Armed Forces Day

    The annual Maxwell-Gunter Lake Martin Recreation Area open house celebration of Armed Forces Day will be May 16, noon to 5 p.m. The free event will include hotdogs, burgers and sodas, live music and prizes. Games, bouncy castles and prizes will offer entertainment for the children. All ages are

  • Gunter NCO Academy, instructor, retired major receive volunteer awards

    They help the community by living the Air Force Core Value "Service Before Self," and on April 30 the Volunteer and Information Center and the Junior League of Montgomery recognized the Gunter Noncommissioned Officer Academy, one of its instructors, and a retired major in the 2008 River Region

  • Construction projects will affect base gates

    Upcoming phased construction projects beginning Sunday will impact the Maxwell and Gunter traffic flow patterns through December, according to Col. Tyrone Woodyard, 42nd Air Base Wing vice commander. Colonel Woodyard said construction will begin Sunday at the Dalradia Street gate at Gunter. In early

  • Enlisted Heritage Hall receives Airey CMSAF ring

    Paul Wesley Airey, the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, had a close and very special association with Gunter, which he proved by leaving his CMSAF ring to the Enlisted Heritage Hall museum, his son said. "Dad always wanted his ring to come to Gunter because of his association with the

  • Airmen show 'Honor Flight" vets huge welcome

    More than 340 military personnel from the Maxwell-Gunter area provided a "huge" welcome May 2 at Montgomery's Dannelly Field for "Honor Flight" veterans of World War II, according to Capt. Eric Tatum, project officer for the military welcome. It was the third honor flight for Montgomery and

  • Base celebrates Earth Day and dedicates “survivor tree”

    Maxwell-Gunter celebrated Earth Day April 24 with several activities highlighted by the dedication of the "Survivor Tree" which was grown from a seed from an Elm tree that survived the April 19, 1995, bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Office Building in Oklahoma City, Okla. Col. Kris D.