

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Air University associate professor garners AFA’s Gill Robb Wilson Award

    Dr. Nicholas Sambaluk, Air Command and Staff College associate professor of strategy and director of research at the eSchool of Graduate Professional Military Education, was recently honored by receiving the Air Force Association’s Gill Robb Wilson Award for his work in the humanities. According to

  • AFIT’s Space Research Center Wins Air University Annual Award

    The Air Force Institute of Technology’s Center for Space Research and Assurance was selected as the winner of The General Muir S. Fairchild Educational Achievement Award for 2019.“This most prestigious award is a well-deserved recognition of all of the outstanding contributions of the faculty,

  • 2018 Lt. Col. Anthony C. Shine Fighter Pilot Award

    Maj. Jay B. Doerfler, Air Command and Staff College student, earned the 2018 Lt. Col. Anthony C. Shine Fighter Pilot Award for his service as squadron assistant director of operations at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2018.

  • How a Maxwell dental assistant saved a life

    You’re finally getting off work, excited to start your weekend off with a bang by enjoying the night life with a cold drink in your hand. Instead, they’re covered in blood as you’re applying a tourniquet on a man that’s barely holding on to dear life in the middle of a road surrounded by twisted

  • AFRL Physicist Wins Top Science Award

    Air Force Research Laboratory scientist Dr. Robert Johnson has won the most prestigious science and technology award in the U.S. Air Force – the Harold Brown Award. The award is given annually to a scientist or engineer who uses scientific research to solve a problem critical to the needs of the Air

  • Air Force Junior ROTC wins AFA Chairman’s award

    The Air Force Association recognized Air Force Junior ROTC with the Chairman’s Award for Aerospace Education Achievement during the Air Force Birthday Dinner Sept. 18, 2019, in National Harbor, Maryland.