Air University Teaching & Learning Center Ribbon Cutting
Lt. Gen. Steven Kwast, Commander and President of Air University, and Air University Command Chief, Chief Master Sgt. Juliet Gudgel officially open AU’s Teaching and Learning Center and the re-opening of Air Univeristy Press Jan. 27, 2017, at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. The center is a place where people can come together and explore new technologies, share ideas, and experiment with techniques and apply them in ways that are meaningful to AU. Accompanying Kwast and Gudgel, from left to right, are Dr. Shane Duncanson, TLC Writing Lab Specialist, Dr. Dale Hayden, Air University Press Director, Dr. Anthony Gould, TLC Director and Mr. Douglas McCarty, TLC Instructional System Specialist. (US Air Force photo/Bud Hancock)