Tell Us Your Air Force Story Published Feb. 28, 2017 By 2nd Lt. Joshua Foley 17th Training Wing Public Affairs GOODFELLOW AIR FORCE BASE, Texas -- For the past two months Air Education and Training has been using Waypoints as an online medium for wing commanders and Airmen alike who seek new ways to understand diversity in the Air Force and embrace the culture that comes with it, and so the objective of this site is: tell us your story. On this site there are shared ideas and open forums of discussion that are ready for reading on topics like the new retirement plan. The link below provides more information on deadlines for committing to the Blended Retirement System, and what happens to your retirement if you do not take any action at all. If you want to find more on the BRS subject then click here. Waypoints is for more than just uniformed personnel. Here civilian employees can find information pertaining to their career evaluations and how the grading criteria will be impact bonus opportunities based on performance. This site provides more information on the Performance Management and Appraisal Program. “[The] Department of Defense-wide Performance Management and Appraisal Program will bring some administrative changes, but the key tenet of our current civilian evaluation system will be retained—individual performance will be linked to organizational mission and goals.” said Deborah Lee James, Secretary of the Air Force. Moreover, this synchronized system of communication provides its writers and viewers the chance to be more informed narrators about the stories of the Airmen who deter adversaries to complete missions. Details on more stories like this can be read here. This site is an opportunity to launch discussions of new ideas, goals and recommendations based on the collective Air Force experiences. Click here to find more information on the life and career of our Air Force.