
Stratcom Commander Discusses Integration, Allies in Deterrence

  • Published
  • By Lisa Ferdinando

The commander of U.S. Strategic Command today highlighted integration and the seamless flow of information as important parts of deterrence as he closed out a two-day deterrence symposium in La Vista, Nebraska.

“Integration is in our vision because the integrated capabilities of our country is what's going to create the power -- not the stovepipe capabilities we have,” Air Force Gen. John E. Hyten said. “I give the mission, the components figure it out, they integrate it among each other, they push the information out -- that's when we'll be even more powerful than we are today.”

The Stratcom-hosted conference included panels on the nature of strategic conflict in the 21st century, accelerating change, new thinking on deterrence, integrating U.S. and allied approaches for deterrence and assurance, and integrating and developing offensive and defensive strategy.

More than 700 people, including attendees from 11 nations, took part in the symposium. 

Hyten said he is optimistic for the future, as he underscored the importance of working with allies. He noted Japan and Germany, which were World War II enemies to the United States, are now U.S. partners.

Like-Minded Nations

“Now, they are sitting in the room with us as like-minded nations, as friends, as allies, to come together to deal with the most challenging problems we have in the world,” the general said.

Japan, Germany and the United States are now working together to make the world a better place for future generations, forging a strong alliance since the war, he told the symposium audience.

“If that can happen in this short period of time, anything can happen in this world,” he said. “But for anything to happen, we have to keep the world safe, and that's what deterrence is all about.”

(Follow Lisa Ferdinando on Twitter: @FerdinandoDoD)

Soldiers of the 1st Space Battalion, 1st Space Brigade from Colorado Springs, Colo., are training to operate the Warfighter Assisting Low Earth Orbit Tracker antenna and Kestrel Eye Ground Station at U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/Army Forces Strategic Command, Redstone Arsenal, Ala., June 28, 2018. The training is allowing the soldiers to support overhead satellite passes for the Kestrel Eye program for approximately two months. Army photo by Jason B. Cutshaw