
AU Press releases Conventional Deterrence Special Edition of SSQ

  • Published
  • Strategic Studies Quarterly staff

Air University Press just released a Conventional Deterrence Special Edition of Strategic Studies Quarterly for winter 2018.  SSQ is an Air Force-sponsored strategic forum on national and international security.


In this issue:

  • An interview with John Mearsheimer, author of the quintessential book, Conventional Deterrence.

  • Stephen Chiabotti from the School of Advanced Air and Space Studies at Air University writes on Clausewitz as counterpuncher to explain the logic of conventional deterrence.

  • Robert Peters, Justin Anderson and Harrison Menke from National Defense University answer the question:  Should the U.S. reintegrate conventional and nuclear planning strategies?

  • Naval Academy professor Martin Libicki explores cyber capabilities as punishment to deter adversaries.

  • James Wirtz, with Naval Postgraduate School, explains the complicated difference between nuclear and conventional deterrence.

  • RAND’s Karl Mueller assesses the effectiveness of conventional deterrence against a potential Russian invasion of the Baltic states

  • Robert Haffa, from Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments and an SSQ advisor, offers a glimpse of the future of conventional deterrence given great power competition. 


The issue is available at


SSQ content is now indexed to make it easy to find articles on such topics as cyber, nuclear issues, China, technology, defense strategy, air strategy and others.


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