
Protecting the force day in and day out

  • Published
  • By Tech. Sgt. Darnell T. Cannady
  • 380th AEW/PA
It takes Airmen from every base and job to execute the deployed mission at Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates. This same concept applies to the 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron’s Force Protection unit, where Airmen from every Air Force specialty code to help carry out the mission.

“(Force Protection) is one big Air Force specialty code melting pot,” said Tech. Sgt. Ronald Paramore, 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Force Protection section chief. “We have over 40 different AFSC's, which helps everyone to see the Air Force through a different lens and gain a little bit more perspective. Not to mention the networking opportunities that we have.”

Force Protection is responsible for maintaining positive control over other country nationals and prevent potential insider threats. Usually Force Protection falls under the expeditionary civil engineer squadron, but at ADAB it’s the only unit in the area of responsibility falling under the expeditionary security forces squadron.

“We are the base’s first line defense against insider operations security threat,” said Paramore. “We also ensure that a lot of the base’s day-to-day operations are carried out seamlessly.”

Force Protection currently supports about 15 services contracts and 12 construction contracts ranging from escorting other country nationals to clean facilities on base, emptying all the refuse receptacles on base or even escorting contractors as they move and perform various construction details.

“It’s not my normal job so I’m over here doing something new,” said Airman Michael Coveney, 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Force Protection personnel. “I think it’s interesting to watch the construction of something that is going to be here a long time.”

Doing this type of mission helps new Airmen get a better understanding of the different areas of the Air Force. With just over a year in service, Coveney is learning how different units operate while receiving various types of readiness training to prepare him for this role.

“With working so close with ESFS, I get to see the procedures while escorting OCNs at the vehicle check point or during augmentee training,” he said. “This is more of the military side I may not have seen working in the post office. I enjoy seeing and getting this training at this rate so early in my career.”

As a financial technician at home station, Staff Sgt. Aneke Miller is also able to assist fellow FP members with finance questions and help set them up for success.

“What I want for everyone after this deployment is for them to go back and not have Defense Travel System problems,” said Staff Sgt. Aneke Miller, 380th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Force Protection personnel. “I try to help them as much as possible by giving them little advice and notes so they won’t be stressed out by it when they return home.”

Through staying vigilant and working outside of their career fields, Force Protection is key to protecting Al Dhafra AB while helping members understand everyone’s role in the mission.

“Coming here and working with members from different AFSCs is similar to Airmen Leadership School,” said Miller “I get to hear about different jobs and learn what they do. I’m more appreciative and understanding of them because we’re working together and getting to know each other.”