
OTS beta courses aim to test shortened commissioning program for SNCOs

  • Published
  • By Air Education and Training Command
  • AETC Public Affairs

Air Education and Training Command officials are reimagining how Airmen are developed and have proposed two beta course tests that would shorten the officer commissioning program for senior noncommissioned officers.

The proposed beta tests, called Officer Training School-Accelerated Commissioning Program, shortens the program from 40 training days to 14 training days and takes place at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. The first test is scheduled to begin in August 2019 and includes 36 candidates: 26 active duty Air Force, five Reserve and five Guard officer candidates in the ranks of master sergeant to chief master sergeant. To be eligible, candidates must have completed the Senior Noncommisioned Officer Academy course via in-residence or distance learning (Course 14) and been selected for OTS via the normal board process.

The shortened training capitalizes on AETC’s Continuum of Learning initiative, which integrates education, training and experience in developing Airmen. Further, this concept may be expanded to include competency credit for education, training and experience throughout the enterprise.

Ultimately, the aim is to drive agility and flexibility in Air Force processes and programs to more efficiently and effectively deliver qualified, trained, educated and experienced Airmen to meet mission requirements.

Following the completion of the beta tests, the program will be evaluated to determine the value provided the Air Force and the Department of Defense.