
Air University Press Announces the Winter Issue of the Journal of European, Middle Eastern, & African Affairs

  • Published
  • Air University Press


      “JEMEAA covers a wide range of topics and a huge swathe of territory,” said Dr. Ernest Gunasekara-Rockwell, the journal’s new editor. “We have direct responsibility for material dealing with three major commands/component commands: U.S. Air Forces in Europe, Air Forces Africa, and Air Forces Central. That’s no small undertaking. However, we are fortunate to have a superb advisory panel, chaired by General Jeff Harrigian, USAFE and AFAFRICA commander, and fantastic reviewers drawn primarily from America’s top military universities.”

Heritage of the Journal

The Journal of European, Middle Eastern, & African Affairs originally launched in March of this year, as a successor to the Air & Space Power Journal­–Africa & Francophonie, which had primarily served as an outlet for French-language translations of articles from other Air University Press journals. With the retirement of its original editor, JEMEAA went on a brief hiatus, but now is back on track with its winter issue and new team.



The Journal of European, Middle Eastern, & African Affairs Availability


The Journal of European, Middle Eastern, & African Affairs is available for immediate download at


Founded in 1953, Air University Press is the worldwide leader in military academic publishing. The Press is the publishing agent for Air University. Since its inception, the Press has edited, published and distributed over 1.1 million student papers, curriculum texts, faculty research pieces, journals, and scholarly books to further airpower thought critical to the intellectual growth of the Air Force. Journal of European, Middle Eastern, & African Affairs is part of Air University Press’s robust journal line up, which includes Air & Space Power Journal, Strategic Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, the Journal of the Americas, and, coming in January 2020, Wild Blue Yonder.