
Pharmacy FAQ

  • Published
  • Air University Public Affairs
  1. How do I get a Refill?
    1. You may call in your refills as normal at 334-953-7971 or 334-953-7978. Please allow 48-72 hours for processing.
  2. How do I transfer my script to a network pharmacy?
    1. Please locate a pharmacy that has your medication and have that pharmacy fax the request to 334-953-5272 and the base pharmacy will contact them with your prescription.
  3. Is the drive thru open?
    1. Not at this time


  1. Why do I have to activate my prescriptions?
    1. Due to limitations in the federal computer systems, the pharmacy cannot see medications when your provider puts them in.  Each patient has to individually be pulled up.  Activation is the process of letting us know your doctor sent over medications. 


  1. How do I activate my prescriptions?
    1. The pharmacy at Maxwell would love to get your medication ready for you before you come to the pharmacy.  We can do this with your help!  Please have your provider send us prescriptions electronically to DOD MAXWELL EPHCY and then use one of the options below to activate.  Prescription activation can be done in one of the three following ways!  
      1. Send the Pharmacy a message via Tricare Online Secure Messaging ( requesting us to activate your prescriptions
      2. Call our call center at 334-953-6868 and leave a voicemail with your name, date of birth phone number and last 4 of the sponsor’s social security number to activate your prescriptions. 
      3. Visit us in person!  Note*using options 1 or 2 will significantly reduce your wait time. 
  2. How do I get my off base provider’s paper prescription filled?
    1. Maxwell Pharmacy prefers that your provider send us prescriptions electronically because it allows us to get your medications ready ahead of time and significantly reduce your wait times!  If your provider is not able to send electronic prescriptions bring in your paper prescriptions and we’ll get them ready for you.  Note *wait times may vary with use of paper prescriptions*  We can send you a text message so you know exactly when your medications are ready.  See question 8 for enrollment details!
  3. How do I know if my medications are ready for pickup?
    1. Maxwell Pharmacy now has text messaging capability to let you know exactly when your medications are ready for pickup!  You can enroll in this service and enroll by sending us a message via Tricare Online Secure Messaging or visiting the pharmacy! 


  1. How do I fill my prescription from my MTF provider?
    1. The same as the activation process, either by sending us a message via Tricare Online Secure Messaging, Calling our call center at 334-953-6868 OR by visiting us in person. 


  1. Do I need to activate my medication before it will be filled?
    1.  Yes.  Please activate by sending us a message via Tricare online Secure Messaging, calling our call center at 334-953-6868


  1.  How to I sign up for Home Delivery prescriptions?
    1. Please go to the following web page:


  1. Is there a copay for on and off base prescriptions? 
    1. There is no copay for prescriptions at the Military Treatment Facility, however there is a marginal copay associated with prescriptions off base, please go to for more information!


  1. Where can I go to get my prescriptions filled?
    1. All prescriptions are filled in the pharmacy located within the Bldg 760 of the Medical Group


  1. If I transfer my medications to a civilian pharmacy during COVID can I come back to the MTF? 
    1. Absolutely!  We’d love to have you back.  However, the prescriptions will need to be transferred back to the MTF.  Please contact us and we’ll help facilitate getting your medications back on base! 


  1. How long does it take from calling in a refill prescription to pick up?
    1. Once you have called in your refills, allow up 48-72 duty hours for them to be ready.  Prescriptions may be done sooner, please enroll in our text messaging service (Question 7) to find out exactly when they are ready! 


  1. How do I get a prescription from my off base provider refilled if my current refills are out?
    1. Once you have exhausted all of your refills on a prescription you will need to coordinate with your provider to get a new prescription.  Have your provider send the renewal (NEW) prescription electronically to DOD MAXWELL EPHCY and then activate your prescription by following question 5!


  1. How do I get a prescription from my MTF provider refilled if my current refills are out?
    1. Once you have exhausted all of your refills on a prescription you will need to coordinate with your provider to get a new prescription.  You can initiate a telephone consult by calling the appointment line at 334-953-3368


  1. What medications are covered under my Tricare Benefit at the Military Treatment Facility?
    1. Maxwell Air Force Base follows the DoD Uniform Formulary (Tier 1 & 2 medications), meaning we have a lot of different medications available to our patients.  However, certain medications are listed as non-formulary and are not available to non-empaneled patients.  You can find out what is exactly covered by your Tricare Benefit by looking it up on Tricare at 
      1. If your medication falls under the DoD Uniform Formulary and requires prior authorization, we will help facilitate getting the information Tricare needs from your provider.


  1. I work on Gunter and cannot travel to Maxwell to get my refills, what can I do?
    1. Located inside of the Gunter Shoppette is a ScriptCenter KIOSK for patients to be able to pick up their medication refills at Gunter.  You can enroll by 
      1. Ordering your refills as usual through AudioCare at 334-953-7971/78 or 1-800-732-6117.
      2. Select Gunter Annex as your pickup location.
      3. You will need one of your prescription numbers the first time you pick up.  Simply select “Enroll” and follow the one-time enrollment process to create your unique login ID and PIN.


  1. Can I pick up my prescription refills at the Maxwell Base Exchange?
    1. YES!  Starting mid-Aug 202, the pharmacy will have a ScriptCenter just like Gunter’s inside of the Maxwell Base Exchange (next to the food court).  You can enroll by the following: 
      1. Order your refills as usual through AudioCare at 334-953-7971/78 or 1-800-732-6117.
      2. Select BX KIOSK as your pickup location.
      3. You will need one of your prescription numbers the first time you pick up.  Simply select “Enroll” and follow the one-time enrollment process to create your unique login ID and PIN.