
Air Force Foundational Competencies Podcast

  • Published
  • Air Education and Training Command Public Affairs

In episode 40 of "The Air Force Starts Here" podcast, we discuss Air Force Foundational Competencies with Jamal Qaiyym, Foundational Competencies branch chief, and Dr. Laura Barron, Industrial Organizational psychologist.

These foundational competencies are categorized into four major groups: Developing Self, Developing Others, Developing Ideas and Developing Organizations, and benefits Total Force Airmen, Air Force wide.

To help Airmen gain a better understanding of their competency proficiency level, an Air Force Competencies section was recently added to
MyVector. On this page, Airmen will be able to take self-assessments and review resources to further their personal and professional development.

These assessment tools can assist an Airman, or their supervisor, in determining if they have met expected behaviors associated with a specific competency. Additionally, they are designed to give Airmen a clear description of what’s expected of them as a member of the Profession of Arms.

To learn more about the foundational competencies, take a listen to “The Air Force Starts Here” podcast at The podcast, along with past episodes, can also be streamed on your favorite streaming app or on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify and DVIDS.