
CMSgt Master Sergeant Leadership Academy Welcomes New Commandant

  • Published
  • Barnes Center for Enlisted Education

Chief Master Sgt. Daryl “DJ” Hogan Jr., assumed leadership of the Chief Master Sergeant Leadership Academy Dec. 15, 2020, as the sixth commandant of the Barnes Center for Enlisted Education’s (BCEE) pinnacle school for enlisted professional military education.

Hogan was excited to learn of his selection to serve as the next CLA commandant noting his great respect for the legacy of chief master sergeant leadership development within the BCEE enterprise. This very prestigious position, to which few are nominated, requires someone with broad leadership experience, strong communication skills, and the highest professional conduct. Though selecting the commandant from the outstanding group of nominees was tough, Col. Kathryn Brown, BCEE Commander, said the personal connection Hogan made during his interview clinched their decision. "Chief Master Sgt. Hogan is a proven leader," Brown said. "I know he’ll have a tremendous impact during his time at the Academy, taking the CLA and his incredible team to the next level."

Hogan believes the relationships and experiences from his 25-year Air Force career have molded his approach to leadership.
"I’ve had several mentors while serving as a firefighter, a first sergeant, and a chief master sergeant and my goal is to pay forward the important lessons that I’ve absorbed over the years," he said.

Employed most recently as the 30th Space Wing Command Chief at Vandenberg AFB, Hogan’s position advising the commander gave him a sharp perspective on what the Air Force needs from its chiefs today.

"Having served alongside Gen. John Raymond and Chief Master Sgt. Roger Towberman as the command first sergeant for Headquarters Air Force Space Command, and then as the command chief for a demanding mission to launch rockets and test missiles, I saw firsthand the critical roles that chief master sergeants fill at all echelons. A strong team of chiefs can make a huge difference within their sphere of influence. As commandant, I look forward to creating opportunities to develop our chiefs into elite strategic thinkers as they take on new and evolving roles and responsibilities.”

Asked about his priorities for the coming months, Hogan acknowledged, “We are in an era of rapid change, and one of my jobs is to make sure we move forward smartly. Preparing the chief master sergeants we need today, and for an uncertain future, able to operate in an era of great power competition—that is the focus of my efforts.” Hogan hopes this focus will make an impression on the freshly minted chief master sergeants attending the CLA.

"I want them to know how critical it is that they bring their A-game every day and in every way to support everyone in their formations," he stated. "My goal is to deliver them back to the field well armed to face the significant challenges of today’s national security environment. I hope to inspire every leader who walks through our hallways and sits in our classrooms.” Hogan summarized, “My vision is to continue the excellence of our institution while working with our CLA cadre and staff to produce the greatest enlisted professional development experience that the military has to offer, and that takes a complete team effort.”