
42 ABW Civilian COVID town hall

  • Published
  • 42 Air Base Wing


42 ABW Civilian COVID Town Hall
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
24 November 2021


Q1.  When is the suspense for DoD Federal Employees to be fully vaccinated?

  1. All DoD Federal Employees are directed to be fully vaccinated by 22 November 2021.  Personnel are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after the second dose of a two dose series (Pfizer or Moderna) or two weeks after a single dose vaccine (Janssen). All federal employees should complete the DD Form 3175, “DoD Civilian Employee Certification of Vaccination,” in MilConnect and provide proof of vaccination to their immediate supervisor. NAF employees will submit a hardcopy DD Form 3175 to their supervisors.  Supervisors will complete the supervisory proof of vaccination review in MilConnect.  Military supervisors should collect, sign, and safely store the DD Form 3175 until this function is activated in MilConnect. 

Q2: What is the guidance for an individual who had COVID and then tests positive?

  1. Per the Under Secretary’s memorandum dated 29 October 2021, attachment 7, para 2, “ Personnel who have recovered from a recent COVID infection and who remain asymptomatic are exempted from regular screening testing for 90 days following their documented date of recovery. Documented proof of this recovery shall be provided upon request.

Q3: Does an employee who teleworks or works remotely on a full-time basis need to test weekly?

  1. Per the Under Secretary’s memorandum dated 29 October 2021, attachment 1, para 1b, “DoD civilian employees who telework or work remotely on a full-time basis are not subject to weekly testing, but must provide a negative result from a test performed within the prior 72 hours for entry into a DoD facility.”

Q4: Does the vaccination mandate apply to Contractors & Visitors?

  1. Per Under Secretary’s memorandum dated 29 October 2021, attachment 2, Contractors & Official Onsite Visitors will be required to complete a DD Form 3150, Contractor and Visitor Certification of Vaccination. Contractors or visitors who are not fully vaccinated must show an electronic or paper copy of negative results from an FDA-authorized or approved COVID-19 test administered no earlier than 72 hours prior to their visit. If an official visitor is unable to show a negative COVID-19 test result, the visitor may be provided on-site, self-testing, if available, or will be denied access to the DoD facilities to which access is sought.

Q5: What is the Union doing to protect employees covered by the Local 997 Collective Bargaining Agreement?

  1. A separate FAQ, dated 29 October 2021, has been published to address union related inquiries.

Q6: If an employee is suspended for failure to follow COVID-19 protocols, can they use their personal leave for the suspension?

  1. No, employees are not permitted to substitute unpaid time off resulting from disciplinary actions with personal leave.

Q7: Does Worker’s Compensation cover unvaccinated employees who become ill due to a return to their on-site duty location, or employees that experience an adverse reaction from the vaccination?

  1. Covered employees may consult the Department of Labor ( for information concerning OWCP claims.

Q8: Regarding the DD Form 3175, is it mandatory for employees to fill that form out if the employee is seeking a religious exemption?

  1. All federal employees are required to complete the DD Form 3175, “DoD Civilian Employee Certification of Vaccination,”. In the event that the employee requests an exemption consideration, they are required to submit either a DD Form 3176 “Request for a Medical Exemption or Delay to the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement,” or a DD Form 3177 “ Request for a Religious Exemption for to the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement.”

Q9: Who will determine the results of the exemption requests?

  1. An Exemption Review Team (ERT) will consist of Base Legal, Civilian Personnel, Occupational Health, Equal Opportunity, and Chaplain.  The ERT will review requests on a case-by-case basis. Additional information regarding processing exemption requests will be issued by DoD.  Until additional guidance is published, supervisors should ensure all employees complete the 3176 or 3177, comply with testing requirements, and comply with installation mask wear and COVID-19 safety protocols

Q10: Is there guidance on the appeal process if an exemption is denied?

  1. The DoD guidance on the exemption appeal process is pending. 

Q11: Does the weekly testing begin on Monday, November 22, 2021?

  1. Per the Under Secretary’s memo dated 29 Oct 2021, attachment 1, para 1b, on or after November 22, 2021, weekly COVID-19 testing is required for those DoD civilians who are not fully vaccinated, including those who have medical or religious exemptions.

Q12: Is it proper for leadership to ask a supervisor for the identity of those asking for each type of exemption?

  1. Supervisors have the responsibility for implementation of workplace safety measures and therefore need information regarding their employee’s vaccination status and exemption requests. Supervisors may be asked to report compliance with COVID-19 directives to their chain of command.

Q13: What about children at the installation school? Will they be required to obtain the vaccination?

  1. Parents should refer to the Department of Defense Education Activity for the Maxwell Elementary and Middle School (MEMS) vaccination requirements for students. MEMS is subject to installation policy with regard to mask wear and COVID-19 safety protocols.

Q14: What resources are available for supervisors and employees to address workplace mental health?

  1. All Federal employees and their family members are encouraged to utilize their free Employee Assistance Program (EAP). EAP Contact Info: 1-800-222-0364; 1-888-262-7848 (TTY);

Q15: What is the difference between an ADA (American Disabilities Act) exemption and a medical exemption?

  1. The ADA protects qualified individuals with disabilities. An individual with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.
    The DD Form 3176, allows a member to report a medical condition that prevents them from receiving the vaccination due to an adverse effect to the vaccination.  


Additional FAQs can be found in the below listed references;