711 HPW researcher wins traveling lectureship award Published Feb. 7, 2011 By Elizabeth Long 711th Human Performance Wing WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Dr. Saber Hussain, a senior research toxicologist with the Air Force Research Laboratory, 711th Human Performance Wing, Human Effectiveness Directorate, Biosciences and Performance Division, Applied Biotechnology Branch, recently won the prestigious 2011 AstraZeneca Traveling Lectureship Award. The annual award, presented by the Society of Toxicology, recognizes excellence in research and service in toxicology. AstraZeneca Ltd. provides funding to promote greater collaboration between European and North American toxicologists, and to enable North American toxicologists to undertake a three-to-four week lecture tour of key European research sites. The award is intended to familiarize recipients with research and regulatory issues in Europe as well as to bring a North American perspective to toxicology issues. Dr. Hussain is recognized as an expert in the emerging field of nanotoxicology, which is the study of the toxicity of nanomaterials. His current research is focused on elicited gene and protein expression, and modulation and disruption of intracellular pathways produced by nanomaterial exposures. His studies contribute to the understanding of fundamental mechanisms involving the interaction of engineered nanomaterials with cells in complex biological matrices, and determining the benefits and the associated risks of their use. He also won the 2010 711 HPW International Individual Award, which recognizes individual efforts that leverage cooperative opportunities and provide mutual benefit in priority research areas to enhance the Air Force Science and Technology capabilities. Dr. Hussain will conduct lectures at government laboratories, and industrial and academic institutions in Europe on nanomaterial toxicity research activities and concerns.