
Bring up your fitness, join 'Club 100'

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Christopher Stoltz
  • Air University Public Affairs
Maxwell Air Force Base recognizes Airmen who earn a perfect score of 100 on their annual physical fitness assessment. These Airmen have improved their score from their last physical training test in order to get into Maxwell's Club 100, or have had a score of 100 previously.

Name: Ashley Shirley
Age: 23
Unit: ADOS 42d MDG
Time in service: One Year, Nine Months

Q: Tell us about your background in fitness.

A: I have always enjoyed working out, but to do it and to think how I can make a difference in someone's life one day really turned up the motivation.

Q: What was your previous fitness assessment score?

A: 100

Q: What did you do to prepare?

A: I do CrossFit along with running.

Q: What did that involve?

A: Running to build my endurance, as well as various CrossFit exercises.

Q: Did you do as well as you hoped?

A: My run time was not as fast as I would have liked.

Q: What was your nutrition like during this time?

A: I usually eat healthy foods with lots of protein.

Q: In your opinion, how would you describe a balanced diet?

A: Lean meat, fruit and vegetables, Greek yogurt and parts of the paleo (hunter-gatherer) diet.

Q: What are the challenges of shift work when it comes to staying healthy?

A: Waking up at 0430 to work out before heading to the office was difficult at first. My co-workers do not like the smell of the egg whites I eat for snacks, either.

Q: What other factors do you feel were important to your success?

A: Having people inspire and encourage me. My husband is my biggest supporter.

Q: Any last words of advice?

A: Find someone to hold you accountable. Also, make it fun, not a chore.