
Base weapons policy

  • Published
  • By Courtesy of
  • the 42nd Security Forces Squadron
Personnel who authorize guest activities and services for commercial vendors, deliveries and contractors, must advise all drivers and passengers in advance on the proper guidance for firearms and ammunition transportation on a federal installation.

Drivers and passengers are not permitted to carry and/or store concealed deadly or dangerous privately owned weapons, ammunition, reloading supplies and other dangerous weapons in motor vehicles. Concealed weapons permits issued by civil authorities are not valid on Maxwell-Gunter without expressed written approval of the 42nd Air Base Wing commander.

Individuals may only transport privately owned weapons on Maxwell-Gunter when driving directly to and from the armory for storage, the on-base skeet range, off-base marksmanship range, authorized shooting activities (such as marksmanship competitions) or their residence in base family housing. Firearms and ammunition will never be left unattended in vehicles or other locations not specifically designated for the storage of weapons.

Illegal and dangerous weapons include but are not limited to, switchblade knives, incendiary/explosive weapons; fireworks; gravity knives; inertia knives; stiletto knives; metallic knuckles; any device designed, made, or adapted to muffle the report of a firearm; short barrel firearm (rifle less than 16 inches) or shotguns with barrel less than 18 inches or both less than 26 inches overall length; homemade mortars; machine guns; nun-chucks, nightsticks; saps; blackjacks; throwing stars; crossbows; conventional bows; bow and arrows; metal tipped arrows; swords; bladed weapons having a blade exceeding 5 ½ inches in length; any other weapons that will propel an object by non-explosive means such as BB or pellet guns, air rifles, air pistols, sling shots, etc.; stun guns or any other similar devices. Dangerous weapons required for duty (e.g., OC pepper spray and collapsible batons) are exempt from the above requirements, as long as they are carried by authorized personnel in the line of duty. Small containers of mace and OC pepper spray intended for self-defense are exempt from this list and may be carried.

Any drivers possessing these items will be documented accordingly and immediately denied access to the installation and/or apprehended for weapons' possession violation. The sponsor(s) will be notified. Commercial vehicles are only authorized to enter the installation through the Kelly Street gate on Maxwell and Congressman Dickinson gate on Gunter.