
AFITC calls for technical papers

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The AFITC 2012 committee requests papers on seminar sessions for this year's Air Force Information Technology Conference, to be held Aug. 27-29 at the Renaissance Spa and Hotel in Montgomery.

The topics the committee wants addressed are:
· Government and industry experiences in leveraging shared, commoditized environments for delivering IT capability
· IT acquisition reform -- What is changing? How can industry help?
· Government and industry experiences in implementing enterprise resource planning solutions in government environments
· Current technologies or services for rapidly deploying IT capabilities
· Innovations in workforce transformation to support IT acquisition transformation
· Software development models and how they fit into IT efficiencies
· Transforming legacy systems and reducing legacy system footprints to reduce cost
· Solutions to bolster IT efficiency initiatives
· Hot topics, trends, policies and initiatives in the DOD and industry.

AFITC 2012 provides industry and government organizations alike the opportunity to share IT acquisition best practices in the government and commercial realms, and recommendations for rapid IT solutions.

Government experts are also encouraged to share their thoughts on how to learn from their efforts. Submit technical papers related to the above topics, and recognize the conference organizers discourage presentations focused on promoting a product rather than a concept.

Speakers are asked to submit the following to
· Point of contact information to include phone and email address
· A 100-word or less synopsis of the seminar session as you would like it to be printed in the conference guide
· A one- to two-page paper describing the topics and ideas you intend to present in either bullet or paragraph format

A speaker biography submission deadline is May 15.