
Air and Space Power Journal goes online only

  • Published
  • By Christopher Kratzer
  • Air University Public Affairs
The English language version of the Air and Space Power Journal, or ASPJ, is shifting to online publishing, said Lt. Col. Michael Tate, the chief of the professional journal.

"The hard copy print format has become unsustainable in the long term for multiple reasons," he said. "Publishing is moving rapidly to the electronic format much faster than many of us have anticipated or desired. Clearly, it is time to make bold moves in this direction, and ASPJ-English is uniquely suited to handle this transition."

Readers can now access the journal in multiple formats, including Kindle, Nook and iPad.

"We are continuing to explore and develop more interactive capabilities for future issues," Tate said.

The journal is also changing to a bimonthly publishing schedule and broadening its content categories. It will include shorter articles in addition to the scholarly feature articles of about 5,000 words.

"We are working with the LeMay Center to reinvigorate a section devoted to Air Force doctrine," he said. "Also in development is a more interactive category in which readers can comment on and discuss current, relevant issues in a blog format."

The ASPJ, the Air Force's professional journal, is the leading forum for "air power thought and dialogue," according to the ASPJ website. The journal fosters intellectual discussion and debate among leaders in the fields of air, space and cyberspace.

The journal was commissioned in 1947 by Lt. Gen. Muir S. Fairchild, commandant of the Air University, to embody the greatest thoughts on doctrines of air strategy and tactics, as well as other global concepts.

"Since its inauguration, the journal has appeared under the titles Air University Quarterly Review, Air University Review, Airpower Journal, Aerospace Power Journal and, currently, Air and Space Power Journal," according to the ASPJ website.

The ASPJ is also published in five languages other than English. The Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, French and Chinese editions are designed for a specific region and include original content, Tate said.

"All of the editors, native speakers and experts in the subject matter relevant to their regions, select articles based on their readers' professional interests and needs," he said.

The international versions of the journal allow the Air Force to interact with other countries in unique ways, Tate said.

"Academic or scholarly endeavors represent one of the best and safest means of engaging other nations. By providing ASPJ as an avenue to discuss and debate air power topics through the lens of other cultures, we perform an invaluable service to the USAF and our nation," he said. "This project has enormous potential to promote interaction and cultural understanding among the world's Airmen."

Even though it has changed since being introduced in 1947, the ASPJ still provides thought-provoking scholarly content critical to the Air Force, Tate said.

"Throughout the history of the Air Force, our leaders have said that in order to practice the art of war effectively, we must be able to engage in the arena of ideas," he said. "To do so, we must read prolifically. We must also do more to encourage future leaders to write and share ideas about their profession. The ASPJ staff continues to develop and implement more interactive tools to help our readers engage in the writing process."

"As Airmen, we develop and implement air power," Tate said. "ASPJ is the means by which Airmen enter the fight and engage in the battle of debate while developing ideas for the future."