
Parents’ Advisory Board helps guide youth services

  • Published
  • By Kelly Deichert
  • Air University Public Affairs
Parents of children enrolled in Maxwell and Gunter youth programs have a voice in how the facilities operate.

"We welcome parents' input and involvement to improve the delivery of programs and services through the youth and school age centers," said Robert Richert, director of the youth programs.

The Parents' Advisory Board meets from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the second Thursday of the month on Gunter and the second Tuesday of the month on Maxwell. All parents of children eligible to use the programs are welcome to attend.

"The purpose or goal of the PAB is for the parents and staff to interact and discuss all relevant issues, concerns, activities, opportunities related to the youth," said Teri Anderson, programs director at the Gunter Youth Center.

"The committee acts in an advisory capacity, providing recommendations
for improving services," Mr. Richert said. "(Issues) can range from types of programs parents would like to see offered to improvements that children/parents
feel are needed in the program or service."

Suggestions and assistance bring about real changes.

"One major change on Gunter was brought to our attention by a parent," Ms. Anderson said. "With their support, we now have a crosswalk on Turner Boulevard for the youth to safely access and cross this busy street between our two buildings."

Also, a group of volunteers painted the lines on the outdoor basketball court at the school age center, she said.

Parents who cannot attend the meetings can contact Ms. Anderson at 416-3436 or Mr. Richert at 953-6292 to offer suggestions. The Maxwell board has two co-chairpersons, Master Sgt. Jamie Higby and Tech Sgt. Tammy Robinson, who can be reached at and