
Nominations open for William A. Jump Award

  • Published
  • Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs
Air Force officials are seeking nominations for the 62nd Annual William A. Jump Memorial Award.

The Jump Award annually recognizes a federal employee for his or her outstanding service in administration and notable contributions to the efficiency and quality of public service.

Nominees must have demonstrated outstanding competence and interest in any area of public administration for at least five years.

Each major command, field operating agency and direct reporting unit may only submit one nomination.

Organizations and base-level personnel must contact their MAJCOM, FOA or DRU for applicable suspense dates and additional information regarding nomination procedures.

Completed nomination packages must be sent to the Air Force Personnel Center by June 1, 2011.

For more information on this and other Air Force recognition programs, visit the AFPC personnel services website at or call the Total Force Service Center toll-free at (800) 525-0102 or DSN 665-5000.