
Maxwell’s perimeter fence upgrades security

  • Published
  • By Carl Bergquist
  • Air University Public Affairs
An obvious change to Maxwell Air Force Base is the ongoing construction of the new perimeter fence.

The Maxwell-Gunter Antiterrorism Officer said the new fence project was started shortly after the base acquired the Riverside Heights property in 2006 under then 42nd Air Base Wing Commander Col. Paul McGillicuddy's watch. The first phase of the contract to completely enclose the Riverside property was awarded in June 2008.

"Colonel McGillicuddy started the project to replace a variety of different fence types around the base, some of which had fallen into disrepair," Patrick White said. "You could call it a tech-refresh for the fence, and it was done both as a security enhancement measure for the installation and to improve the appearance of the base for the local community."

He said the fence now extends from the Riverside property to the Day Street gate, and the last phase of the project will take the fence across the south end of the fight line. Mr. White added the fence is also designed to prevent high-speed vehicle approaches to the base. The cost of the project to date has been $6.8 million and has been funded completely by Maxwell-Gunter.

"When various types of fences were looked at, base leaders wanted something that would meet the security needs but also look aesthetic," he said. "This particular fence material met those criteria and is also very versatile for future changes that might need to be made. For example, panels can be fitted between the metal uprights to provide privacy in areas such as base housing."

Todd Strange, Montgomery mayor, said he is very pleased with the new fence and feels it will complement the Maxwell Boulevard renovation the city has underway.

"I think it is a great design. I like the architectural design and the color, and it will clearly offer good protection to Maxwell," he said. "It has a clean and open look that fits in well with what we want to do with Maxwell Boulevard."

Mr. White said plans are already in motion to eventually fence Gunter Annex along Congressman Dickinson Drive and other areas of the base. He said that project will begin when funding can be acquired.