
CSOs visit JAG school

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Twenty civilian Career Services Officers, representing law schools around the country, visited Maxwell for a two-day conference last week. Career Services Officers counsel and assist law students with career opportunities.

The JAG Corps invites 20 to 25 CSOs each year to The Judge Advocate General's School to expose them to the Air Force and the JAG Corps. The conference includes tours of the base, the 42nd Base Legal Office, Officer Training School and Project X.

The CSOs received a keynote presentation by Maj. Gen. Steven J. Lepper, the judge advocate general of the Air Force, and presentations on judge advocate accessions and opportunities in the JAG Corps by Maj. Afsana Ahmed, chief, recruiting branch, professional directorate, Washington.

The CSOs interacted with local JAGs from Maxwell informally and during two panel discussions. The CSOs also witnessed General Lepper officiate the promotion of Major Ahmed.

The goal of the conference is to educate the CSOs on the opportunities available for lawyers in the Air Force and the JAG Corps and to encourage them to send their best and brightest.

Article courtesy of The Judge Advocate General's School