Hometown Hero Sought for Thunderbirds Flight Published Jan. 11, 2010 By Scott Knuteson Air University Public Affairs MAXWELL AIR FORCE BASE, Ala -- Officials at Maxwell Air Force Base are looking for one hometown hero to fly with the United States Air Force Thunderbirds prior to the base' s 2010 Open House and Air Show. The show is scheduled for March 27 and 28, and will highlight 100 years of flight since the Wright Brothers established their flying school at a site now part of Maxwell. State-of-the-art military hardware displays, heritage flights and precision air acrobatics are planned for the two-day family event. Admission will be free and food will be available for purchase. In the spirit of heroes like the Wright Brothers and of Airmen serving their country around the world, the Thunderbirds' Hometown Hero program seeks to feature local heroes from communities where the Thunderbirds perform. A selected hometown hero will be scheduled to fly in one of the Thunderbirds' Lockheed Martin F-16Ds, one of the world's premier fighter jets. Nominations are solicited from local civic groups, law enforcement and other public safety agencies, education institutions, and any other area where people perform acts of heroism or mentoring. Heroes might include, but are not limited to: an average citizen who heroically saved a life; a renowned teacher; a community humanitarian; a local firefighter, paramedic or police officer; one who mentors children or volunteers as a coach or tutor in a youth program; or someone who dedicates their life to working with at-risk children. "Heroes are people from many different walks of life who perform extraordinary feats of service or every day acts of kindness," said Colonel Kris Beasley, 42nd Air Base Wing commander. "While military service certainly provides a forum for heroic acts, there are many civilian hometown heroes who do amazing things right here in the River Region." Hometown Hero flights are not a reward for individuals' actions. Instead, it is a way to showcase American people doing amazing things in their communities, in line with the amazing efforts put forth every day by America's Airmen. Nominees for the Hometown Hero flight must pass physical requirements and other qualifications. To nominate an individual for the Hometown Hero flight with the Thunderbirds, visit http://airshow.maxwell.af.mil/nominations.asp or write to Hometown Hero Nomination, Air University Public Affairs, 130 W. Maxwell Blvd., Maxwell AFB, AL, 36112. Provide a brief (less than 250 words) description about the nominee and the heroic act or community service for which the person is nominated. Please include a reliable phone number, the nominee' s full name, and their city of residence. Nominees must meet Air Force flying Class II medical standards and must weigh between 140 and 211 lbs. (waivers must be requested outside this range; absolute max. and min. weight is 103-245 lbs.), be no taller than 6'5", no older than 55, have a men's boot size between 5 and 13; have a chest size between 34" and 48", waist size no larger than 38", and must be able to speak and understand English. If selected, nominees must complete application materials. The flight, which will be scheduled on or around March 25, is subject to cancellation by the Thunderbirds for any reason, including weather, operational, logistical, medical, or other factors. Those ineligible for the program include, but are not limited to: elected and appointed officials; newscasters; reporters; or other individuals who have the ability to garner publicity in their own right. Persons with felony convictions are not eligible for a flight under this program. Nominations must be received (not postmarked) no later than Jan. 22. For more information, call Ms. Lisa Warr at Air University Public Affairs at (334) 953-2014.